Chapter 22- When You Were Mine

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Daisy's POV

It was 5:00pm in the evening and Simon was telling me about JJ. I had heard enough about him recently to realise that Simon was in desperate need in seeing him again, even though Simon strongly disagreed.

We were both lounging on the sofa, finishing our meals through our conversations when I decided to dive deeper into this whole 'JJ' situation. 'How would you feel, if you saw him again?' I ask Simon 'Say, I invited him over or something'

'Please don't' Simon says back to me, avoiding eye contact, lifting his broken ankle back up onto the coffee table.

'Si, he clearly wants to see you. Have you even read the messages he's sent you? He's fucking desperate' I reply

'I can't' Simon says, finishing the rest of his drink, clearly falling uncomfortable under this conversation

'Yes you can, don't break someone else's heart because you're too scared to face the unknown. Now you know that I'm here for you, know that everything's going to be okay. You can always come and speak to me if you need to.'

I lean in to hug Simon when mum bursts into the room, flinging the door open. She's carrying two bottles of whiskey in both hands and looks completely drunk. Mum drops her heavy coat to the floor, and puts out her cigarette behind her. 'So you've found your soul mate have you Simon?' she asks, clearly showing that she had been listening through the door 'What's her name?'

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