Chapter 12- Recovery

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Simon's POV

I was sitting alone on my bed when JJ replied and said that he was coming over to see me. I was quite worried as to what he was going to say, but I told him to come straight up to my room when he arrived.

I had my leg propped up on a couple of pillows as I lay on my bed, surrounded by uncompleted sheets of homework scattered on the floor. I was trying to make time go by quicker, and the best way for me to do this was to complete my homework, but I just couldn't set my mind to do any of it.

JJ came to my door quicker than I thought he would, and he wasn't looking too well, and I was worried for him.

He nudged me over on the bed, shifting me closer to my bedroom wall as he lay down next to me on my duvet and brought me closer to him. I didn't know what to say, but I didn't have to think for much longer as I felt JJ's lips touch mine as he leant in for a kiss. I sat myself up forward as he did this, as he pulled away sharply.

We sat on my bed for another few seconds, just looking at each other. Confusion had spread around my face and the realisation had hit me.

'Are you feeling okay?' JJ asks me, not sure as to whether he was referring to my ankle or feelings, but I replied back with another kiss. I didn't really know what I was doing, I had never kissed anyone before, but it felt right. However, I knew it wasn't.

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