Chapter 3- Miles

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The boy had apparently been taken to the hospital after his accident in the games shop. That was what my mum had said anyway. I didn't end up buying the game I wanted in the end, I just wanted to see how he was doing. I asked my mum if I could go to the hospital with him, but my mum strongly disagreed with the idea and called me a 'strange boy'. But I didn't care what my mum thought of me, I thought that boy was cute and I just had an urge to find him and make sure he was okay. I guess I'm just a really caring person.

Simon's POV

my mum was pissed at me for having to leave the house to pick me up from the hospital, and she doesn't trust me to take the rubbish out for her anymore. I wasn't hurt that badly, only a few cuts and bruises to my head. But fortunately, I was given medicine for my repetitive headaches that I had been getting.

I didn't want my mum to pick me up, I knew she would be pissed at me for not following her instructions and she would only end up moaning at me the whole way home. I didn't understand why my sister couldn't have picked me up.

I sat down in my mum's car as she turned her head to look at me. She seemed mad just by looking at her facial expression as soon as we left the hospital and got in the car.

'What's the matter with you, aye? Don't you want to follow my instructions anymore?' My mum asked, gripping the steering wheel tightly, I suddenly felt very uncomfortable sitting in the same car as her.

I felt a few tears run down my face, as I closed my eyes and my thoughts went straight to focusing on the boy, who I had heard his name to be 'JJ', who had held me by the waist as I embarrassingly tripped over his own body. 'I'm sorry' I mutter, unwillingly bringing my attention back to my mum, who sat stiffly in her car seat. It was times like these that I truly felt scared of her.

'Just, don't head off anywhere without me knowing from now on? I can't have this trip to the hospital each week' My mum replied back sternly, eyes still staring at the road.

The drive back home felt like the longest journey ever. And I definitely couldn't wait to take the rubbish out again.

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