Chapter 6- 4:06pm, running late

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(Pic, Jess Glynne, Take Me Home)
Time skip- After school

Simon had forgotten to take his headache pills during the day today, and by missing that pill he really started to feel it's consequences arrive as he unlocked the front door to his house after a long and tiring day at school.

Simon knew his sister would be home from school soon too, but Simon didn't care as he laid back on the sofa in her spot and waited for time to pass quicker so he could leave at 4:00pm and see JJ.

Simon's life at home was a pretty big mess. His mum wasn't a fan of anything at all, and his dad had sadly passed away when he was little, and his sister was a real pain the arse most of the time. So Simon spent the limited amount time he did get to himself, to watch Youtube videos in his room of other people play video games that his family were too poor to buy him. Simon never mentioned this to anyone, he had always used the excuse of revising for continuous tests that didn't exist, whilst watching someone score headshots in GTA on his bed.

Simon's headache had started getting much worse as he fumbled around in his blazer pocket looking for his tablets. It took Simon a few agonising minutes to eventually find them stuffed right at the bottom of his bag, along with the effortless pieces of homework he had barely completed and didn't even want to look at.

It was times like these, when Simon was home alone that he began to think and think and think, until he felt like his brain might explode. Simon never felt like he was worth anything to anyone, the closest he had ever got to a friend was a short, nerdy boy in his Primary school named Jack, and all they used to talk about was Star Wars figures. Simon felt useless, and his concerns of his own mental illness went unnoticed by his mother or sister as they did nothing but shrug their shoulders. But Simon truly felt as if there was something that needed to be noticed;

His mother didn't like him, never had. Well, she did until Simon's dad died and all the pressure of being a single mother mounted on her until she couldn't bare the stress and took it out on her own children, and this only lead Simon to be more distant from his sister.

Simon remembered back to when him and his sister Daisy used to be the closest of friends when younger, but their relationship began to tear apart as their mother built up more hatred for herself and struggled to maintain everyone together as a family.

And admittedly, Simon misses his dad so much, and has a photo of his dad with himself playing football on the beach when he was six that lay under his bed. His mum took the photo of them both, and told Simon he looked 'beautiful'. Simon remembers that day as if it was yesterday, but Simon couldn't remember the last time he had ever received a compliment from anyone since then.

'Simon, for fuck sake! Move off the couch, are you even listening to me!? Wake up!' The next thing Simon was aware of was his sister's tight grip on his shoulder blades as he was being jolted about as his sister's shouts bounced off the walls.

'What time is it?' Simon asked, strangely enough finding wet tissues and the sofa's only pillows thrown around the floor.

'I don't know, but what have you done in here? It looks like you've brought an animal in here or something, what are you hiding, honestly' Daisy said back to Simon

'I honestly don't know' Simon replied back, as he glanced around the room again and noticed how his bag had been emptied all over the living room floor and his blazer was scattered across the carpet, but Simon couldn't remember anything.

Daisy muttered under her breath about Simon being a 'messy kid' as Simon hurried out the door, noticing that it was 4:06pm, as the biggest thing Simon wanted at that time was to see JJ.

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