Chapter 31-Strength

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'So, yeah, that was it I guess' I say into the camera, laughing with Simon sitting behind me, himself runnning short of breath from laughter. 'Um,' I continue to say, still struggling to stop myself from laughing and to continue my sentence 'so, I'll see you guys in my next video, peace!' I eventually manage to say in the camera, whilst wiping my eyes from tears that had begin to form. I reach over to hit the 'record' button, to end the recording on my camera and then flop back onto my bed, laying next to Simon, with both of us laughing uncontrollably at this point.

Simon had his hands covering his face as I sat up and leaned over him on the bed, wrapping my leg around his waist. I stroke the side of his face as I look into him deeply. 'I told you this is going to be a great video' I say nuzzling into my pillow.

Simon eventually manages to remove his hand from his face. he grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in closer for a kiss. I groan from above him, still smiling like an idiot, and I end up sitting on his waist, straddling him for the rest of the night, and that night being the realisation that if I had a pound for everytime I told Simon Minter I loved him, I would be a millionaire.

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