Chapter 27- Gameboy

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Simon's POV

'Oh look, you can walk finally walk without me having to hold you now!' JJ says to me as we leave the games shop, with a few videogames in both our hands, we were walking down the pavement together, on our way back to his. I had texted Daisy my plan for this evening and she was more than happy for me, and I was too.

We were both exiting the games shop together, almost hand in hand, if only there wasn't so many people around. 'What, and you didn't like that?' We escaped around a bend before JJ smiled back at me in response and followed the pavement on the way to his house not saying much in continuation, but both deep in thought. I begin thinking about mum and Daisy, and how things would hopefully change from here on, but at the moment I was with JJ and that was the only thing that mattered.

I looked up at the road in front of us as I was jogged to the side of the pavement by JJ's large thrust of his body suddenly against mine- I knew the silence wouldn't last for long as I let out an embarrassing high pitched squeal, but before I could reply I watch as JJ sped off down the pavement, picking up pace and beckoning for me to follow him. 'I'm not chasing you' I call out, but doubting whether he could actually hear me or not.

'Fine, I'll chase you then' JJ says, slowing down to walk beside me again.

'Don't you dare!' I shout as I feel his firm grip around my waist. I annoyingly struggle to get out of his grasp, but JJ finally lets me and relaxes his grip around me as I speed down the pavement, this time running as fast as I could to get away from him.

I race around a bend, only occasionally stopping to look behind me to see how for JJ was from me. I was quick, probably a bit faster than JJ, but my frequent laughter kept me at a disadvantage as my knees became weak and I struggled to remain pace as I watched JJ only just manage to keep up with me, but it wasn't long until he was grabbing my shirt from behind me and tickling my waist, causing us both to stop where we were and catch our breaths.

'So you kept up?' I ask in between gasps of breath. I had my head bowed and rested my arms on the front of my thighs and panted heavily.

'Only just' JJ replies once our breathing steadies a bit more. He rests his body up against the brick wall behind him and tilts his head down to look at me. 'You can't keep up with me in GTA so shut your mouth'

'Make me, dick face'

'Fine then'

And with that, JJ pushes me up against the wall smiling heavily and kisses me roughly, leaving me with no control as he slams his body up against mine.

'JJ' I wheeze in between kisses, struggling through my laughter.

'Shut up' JJ says firmly back to me, leaning in for another kiss.

I moan under his gasp and place my hand behind his back, pulling him closer to me and running my hand over his shoulders and sides. We stayed like that for a bit longer until we decide to head back to his as the sky turned darker and we began to get impatient to play our new game together.

:))))) hope you enjoyed! x

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