Chapter 9- Lovestrong

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I pack away my homework as quick as I can as soon as I hear my alarm go off for 3:55pm

I always head down a little early, wanting to be the first man there to see JJ arrive with a huge grin on his face as soon as we take in each other's presences.

I give JJ a quick hug before staring aimlessly, without even realising, into his eyes, his face, his everything. He smelt so nice, like such a typical boy, but I have him, and he's mine. I've given everything I have to him, everything. My whole definition. Because I felt like he's the one to trust, and I've needed someone like that in my life, ever since my dad died.

I watch JJ slump down against the metal side of the dumpster as he drops his bag and ushers me to sit next to him. Having him listen to me after school has made my life so complete, ever since I met him my whole world has been turned upside down, and I don't feel so alone anymore. I sit down next to him against the dumpsters, and we begin talking for what seems like forever.

Time skip into conversation

'I wanna ask you a question' JJ says, changing the conversation

'Sure' I reply back, anxious to a reply

'What did you want from the games shop when I first met you?' JJ asks as he looks over at me, who's now sitting opposite me as we have our feet pushed together and our heads resting on the dumpsters. I look tired, and I know I do. JJ doesn't look any different, and I can almost see him observing my every move, almost trying to figure out what else I have to say, and it's annoying me, so much. I've told him everything I can.

'Nothing, I was looking. Stop acting so suspicious around me' I say back, telling the honest truth

'What do you mean? You were looking at those games as if they were your first new born. I have loads of games at home.' JJ replies back shuffling forwards a bit in my direction

'Yeah, sorry. I'm just tired. Video games look cool'

'Have you never played a video game before?' JJ asks, and I can feel my cheeks burning a hot red, but I was expecting that question soon. I go to speak hesitantly, but JJ butts in-

'That's awesome! I can teach you right? Do you wanna come round mine and play something together!?' JJ asks enthusiastically, already half standing, and holding out his hands to help me up.

I take JJ's hands and allow him to pull me up off the floor, smiling energetically. We stand together on the pavement as JJ's smile increases as I answer with yes. He rushes off around the corner of the pavement before shouting back 'This way!' as I chase after him, speeding down the road and following his pace, fortunately catching up with him in time to push him to the side. JJ points me in the direction of his house as we arrive just in time for us to be home alone- to play video games.

//text messages

Thanks again for tonight. It was the best thing ever ❤Xx

Anytime man, are you sure it's not too late? What excuses are you pulling off for your mum ://

Urgh, I kind of just tell them that I met a girl and, we're dating. They'll never believe me if I tell them I have friends.

My mum's just happy for me, not that she really cares anyway. And I don't care the slightest bit that my sister is jealous.

Oh. Why can't you tell them that you met me?

They'll think you're a rapist

We've known each other for ages

A couple of months


so have you told your parents that you're meeting a boy in an alleyway full of dumpsters every afternoon?

My parents would rather hear me say 'I met a girl and we're dating'

You pissed by my excuse?

I'm not a girl

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