Chapter 10- Distance

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Simon's POV

I sit on the familiar bus I take to school daily as I watch the heavy rain trickle down the window of the bus. I watch the raindrops race down the glass and disappear beyond my sight as more begin to form and follow the other raindrops repeatedly. I sit on my own seat and far away from anyone else; as usual. And as soon as the bus pulls to a stop, I jump off and follow my classmates to my first lesson- English. It was only until I reached my classroom that I had realised my homework had fallen out of my bag- or more like stolen from the boys behind me at the bus stop. I felt like shit, and before I could think anything could possibly get any worse, once I was in my lesson- my teacher handed me my exam back from last week, the one I had tried my hardest on, only to see a bold 'F' staring back at me on the piece of paper.

The last school bell finally rang after one tiring day at school, and my day had resulted in myself receiving two detentions throughout the week. And it was only Monday- but I had to see JJ, I wanted to so badly.

Time Skip

The rain had returned for the afternoon, I had realised, as I sat at my empty desk at the end of the school day at 4:00pm. I was late to meet JJ, and I wouldn't be out for another ten minutes.

A tear trickled down my face as I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket from receiving multiple texts from JJ, presumably asking where I was. My heart shattered into millions of pieces as the texts coming through didn't stop, and I was itching to have a look at them. I watched my class teacher pace up and down my classroom, looking for a piece of paper, I tracked her movements whilst thinking of risking my actions to reply to JJ. I fumbled around in my pocket and quickly slipped my phone out from underneath the desk. I glance around the classroom and take a mental note of my teacher sitting down at her desk, and beg for her to stay seated for a while longer.

My notifications read:

JJ- 3:59

Bro, where the fuck are you? It's raining cats and dogs out here. Lol, is that what the oldies say?

JJ- 4:00

I've been waiting here a while now, you're normally the first one here, is everything okay?

JJ- 4:03

I'm in the games shop, in the exact same place you fell over, lol

JJ- 4:03

The cashier's that same guy who helped you ya'know. Ha! Familiar faces.

JJ- 4:05

Bro, where the fuck are you? It's starting to look a bit weird for me to be continuously looking at these games on the shelf :///

JJ- 4:06

I think the cashier's expecting me to buy a game. Can you hurry up please? :((((((

JJ- 4:07


~ reply as quickly as I can, relying on autocorrect for my texts to be readable at the least ~


Hold right fucking there, I'm in a detention x


Please, omg JJ.


Please, wait there. Or go home, whatever you want. I'm getting out of this detention in ten minutes. Tell me where to meet you.


It's raining, I don't want you to get wet. Meet me at mine. x


Wait, where's your school?


Oh, don't worry- found it. You pointed it out to me before. :P


Meet you at the gates boyyy :P xx


Fuck sake


Shut up and be quite, you're in a detention. :PP x

~ I quickly managed to fumble around and replace my phone back to my trouser pocket, as I try not to make my mischievous grin obvious to my teacher. I was blushing like mad, as the last few minutes of my detention seemed to fly by as my thoughts of JJ rushed through my head, still remaining to grin like an idiot. And for once in my life, I felt lucky. ~


Standing by the gate of Simon's school was one of the most agonising thing I've ever done. I was furiously biting at my nails, thinking maybe it was the wrong thing to do, maybe I was to be kicked out. Or even meet some of the boys Simon had been speaking about. I looked through the gates repeatedly, hoping to see Simon's face through one of the windows, but I received no luck.

A couple of minutes passed of myself standing in the pouring rain waiting for Simon to leave the school, looking like a complete idiot until I felt something poke my back. As I quickly spun around, I was met with Simon's grinning face staring back at me. I hugged him back tightly, as he wrapped his arms and legs around me as he snuggled softly into my chest, breathing softly.

'Are you okay?' I ask him, replying only with a nod of his head. I carried him all the way back to mine until it was time for me to take him back home after a series of video games.

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