Chapter 17

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//text messages

JJ💖- 4:15pm

Why are you doing this Simon? Are you trying to take the piss? I don't want to hurt you and I never have... Is this how you repay me?

JJ💖- 4:16pm

I don't know what I've done wrong. You spoke to me, you told me you loved me Simon, why are you just ignoring me?

JJ💖- 4:16pm

Simon I fucking love you. Isn't this what you wanted for fuck sake? I'm all you've ever had and you're just throwing me away as if I'm just some piece of trash.

JJ💖- 4:16pm

Do you really think I deserve this?

JJ💖- 4:17pm

I can't believe you're treating me this way. But the sad thing is, you're all I've ever had, and probably ever will have. So when you want me again, I'll most probably come crawling back again.

JJ💖- 4:17pm

What the fuck have you done Simon?

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