Chapter 25- Finally

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Simon's POV


You sure you're alright for going back to school today?? x


Yes, Jide I'll be fine


text me if ever you need to- I'll come round and kick 'em in the face :)))) xx


Love you x


Love you too.


Meet me at four yeah?


I will meet you at four


I promise I promise I promise xxxxxxx


Love you, bye xx


Bye babe xxx

Time Skip

It felt good to be finally walking again properly without my cast, as I made my way into the school library during lunch. I normally find somewhere to sit, sometimes a few boys will invite me over to sit with them, but today I wanted my lunch time alone to myself.

Phones were restricted at my school, which sucked, but it wasn't hard to find a way around this rule. I snuck myself at the very back of one of the tables in the library and sat alone as I placed my bag out in front of myself on the table and pretended to do some homework, completing the scene perfectly as I read over my text messages from JJ

JJ- 10:06am

History, urgh. Why did I choose fucking history?

JJ- 10:06am

How does it feel to have your leg back?

JJ- 10:08am

My teacher looks like a fucking goat.

JJ- 10:09am

I still love you, and I'm only slightly mad at you.

JJ- 10:09am

Part of me is annoyed that I'm texting you because I don't want to feel like you're a fuck boy.

JJ- 10:10am

I mean, I know you're not, but that's kind of what situation I feel like I'm in atm. Xx

JJ- 10:10am

Love you though. x

And then I begin to type;

Simon- 10:14am

JJ I'm worried I'm going to fuck everything up. I got to a point where I became so worried that I would do something wrong and you would get mad at me that I started to ignore you. I wanted to end it there, everything we've ever had, because I felt like if I didn't this whole thing would end anyway because I'm just a huge fuck up. That's why I ignored you, I didn't speak to you because I love you so, so much. I know that sounds stupid, but it's true. I'm so sorry what I've put you through, if I could repay you I would. I love you so much. You don't have to forgive me. Xx

Simon- 10:15am

I'm still worried that I'm going to fuck everything up and get everything wrong, I don't want you to leave me. xx

Simon- 10:15am

I love you

JJ- 10:19am

Jesus, Simon I'm aching to see you after school today. We're going to have a long talk, my emotions are hitting the ceiling right now. X

Simon- 10:19am

Me too, this day needs to end all ready.

Time Skip- 3:54pm

I wanted to be at the dumpsters super, super early for JJ. I didn't want to mess anything up again- for the second time. I had texted JJ to let him know that I had arrived, and it wasn't long until I saw him across the road, and soon enough he saw me too, as I watched him smile effortlessly when his eyes met with mine

As I saw him, I slipped behind the alleyway as to hide from him and I heard his footsteps appear closer as I leant against the wall and waited for him to come.

'Boo!' JJ shouts as he jumps out in front of me and tickles my sides. 'Look! You have you leg back' JJ squeals, as he steps back to take a closer look at my bare leg.

I giggle in response as I move out of his grasp and slip behind a pair of dumpsters, pulling his shirt urging him to follow me. JJ does as he's asked and we sit down in a small gap between two dumpsters sitting opposite each other. 'Let me explain' I say to JJ, resting my leg on his inner thigh as I begin to speak

'I'm so, so fucking sorry, I didn't know what to do, ever since you kissed me and I began telling you I loved you, I didn't believe I was ever good enough for you.' I feel tears prick my eyes, as I try my best to carry on 'I fell down a hole, and for some reason I didn't think you'd be here to help me- I thought I would just mess up. But I was wrong, and my sister started speaking to me because she really thought there was something wrong with me. And I haven't spoke to her in ages JJ, not like I have been recently. It's been years since I've felt cared or loved by anyone' I say, wiping my eyes with my sleeve

'I love you Simon' JJ begins, edging closer towards me 'no matter what, no matter what people think about you- just remember that. I've missed playing video games with you. I've missed just being with you' JJ says, looking at me.

'I know, so have I JJ, you may not believe me but it's true. Just tell me if I'm fucking up again, because I don't want to ruin this for you for you the second time' At this point, I had started to cry heavily as tears flowed down my face and I leant my head back on the dumpster, trying to stop so many tears from rolling down my face.

'Come here, baby' JJ says, across from me. He reaches forward to hover above me as he pushes my hands away from my face and kisses away my tears. I back away from him in instinct of his urgent response, shuffling against the dumpster, but I eventually manage to relax as I smile into his kisses. JJ grabs me by the waist as he pulls me up from between his legs so I sat straddling him, using my advantage as a way to gain control over our kisses.

I heard JJ groan from underneath me through our kisses as he played with my shirt. 'Let me take you back into the games shop' JJ says 'I want to buy a new game, we can play it together this evening, yeah?'

'I'd love that' I say back to JJ, reluctant to be removed from his grasp, but JJ lifts me up to my feet, straightens out my collar and gives me a quick peck on the top of my nose as he leads me into our games shop.

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