Chapter 28- as soon as possible

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Simon's POV

I clenched onto the pen in my hand too hard that English lesson. I felt snickers grow from the boys seated behind me in my English class. My anger had started to rise and bubble beneath me and my focus on my work remained at it's lowest point as I watched people turn around to look at me from the seats in front. My knuckles turned white and my palms grew sweaty from the lack of knowledge as to why the boys in my class remained giggling among themselves, and ignoring the fact that it was so obvious that they were talking about me. It didn't take me much longer that lesson until I heard my pen snap under my right hand as the ink flowed across the page on my book. I suddenly dropped my pen in utter panic over my desk, but that only led to the ink flow becoming more frequent leading to the whole page of my writing turning completely blue.

'Simon! Go and sort yourself out, you're going to have to re-write that piece of work again during your lunch break.' my teacher shouted as she looked up until everyone had their focus on me. My cheeks glowed a bright red and my legs began to shake as I stood and made my way over to the toilets, exiting the classroom in an utter mess with my class-'mates' laughing at my current situation.

My brain thundered with a spiral of thoughts as I made my way to the bathroom, the boys in my class had continuously been snickering and talking about me from behind my back, and I was clueless as to why. Nothing in my life had began to make sense, and my embarrassing walk over to the dirty school bathrooms only triggered my anxiety more and more. I traced my fingers over the lockers along the corridor as I made my way to the toilets, almost painting the lockers blue with the remaining ink from my hands. As I push open the door to the toilets, with the only bit of luck I had left, I found no one else in the room, meaning I could have the whole mirror to myself to remove the ink from my body.

The water felt cold on my hands as I clean all the way up my arm and dab a bit of water down my shirt and blazer, however not really caring about the state of my uniform but focusing on my arms the most. I didn't have much luck removing the ink from my clothes, but as I brushed a bit of water along my face, I noticed a small bruised area on my neck, which followed on down to my collarbone. I blushed once again, my face burning a deep purple as I hurry to the nearest cubicle to text JJ.


JJ, why didn't you tell me you left a mark last night?


Wtf, honestly JJ I'm going to kill you when I next see you. What have you done?

However, I couldn't stay mad at JJ for long as he instantly replied back with a photo of himself; a view of himself from underneath his desk. He owned a huge frown on his face followed by a pair of dark, brown puppy eyes looking back at me. He captioned this with; 'sorry babe xxxx'

JJ had clearly tried his best to sympathise with me, but I text him once again asking why he didn't tell me before, only remaining a little angry at him;


I forgot, only remembered it was there last night when I made it. Love you x

I sigh, put my phone back in my pocket, and prepare to head back to lesson, annoyed at the end result and wishing for a magical fairy to arrive and sweep all my concerns away, when I heard another buzz from my phone in my blazer pocket and I stop to read through the message;


Wait, is anyone saying anything to you?


Have I caused any problems? Simon I'll beat them up for you, omg I totally didn't even think about it.



I was in a panic as I quickly rushed back into a toilet cubicle once again to reply to JJ, annoyingly having to spend time thinking of a response before I had to rush back to English.


Kind of, I'll speak to you later, please don't worry about me. I'll text you during lunch xx


No! Simon, wtf. Tell me if anything's kicking off, I love you remember xx


I'm fine, turning my phone off, I'll text you during lunch.

time skip

I wasn't able to text JJ during lunch, I was caught up in the corridor with the same boys who were in my English class. And sure enough, they had noticed the love mark JJ had left behind.

'Oi, it's that boy again!' Shouts one of them from behind me as I try my best to push past others to get my way to the library. I hear the rushing of footsteps behind me, as I began to pick up my pace too, daring to look behind me. I felt a crumpled ball of paper land to the back of my head with a lot of force, and with each step, I began to feel their breath on my neck as they inched closer towards me, pushing past others in the corridor to reach me.

'Come here, little gay boy' I hear one of them snicker as they grab my bag and push me into the nearest row of lockers, making sure that I was out of sight from anyone else, as we were situated at the bottom of the stairs case next to the corridor leading to the library. 'Who's that love bite from, huh? Tell me, tell me!'

The boys shout and spit in my face, cramming myself up against the lockers and struggling to break free, I scream and shout, but one of them end up kicking my shin and telling me to shut up, otherwise 'they would find me' I close my eyes and think of JJ, I think of how much his presence means to me, and how much I needed him now.

I scream and kick against the lockers until I ran out of the breath, and the last thing I remember whilst being conscious at that time was myself screaming out the name 'JJ' at the top of my lungs before the lunch bell rang and the boys parted in a hurry as they follow the others to my next lesson. I brushed myself down and wiped the tears from my eyes before secretly texting JJ on the way to my lesson to meet me after school as soon as possible. I put away my phone back in my blazer pocket to be met with the faces of multiple teachers looking down at me, I look back up at them as I suddenly become light headed in a blur of vision and collapse on the floor against the lockers, arms of multiple members of staff reaching out to me, but the only arms I wanted around me at that moment was JJ's.

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