Chapter 4- The Lonely

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Where is he? Where's the blondie, JJ wondered to himself as he stood against the games shop's window. JJ was really desperate to see him, and was starting to worry that maybe the blond kid didn't even leave the hospital. JJ's anxiety for this unknown boy caused him to have sleepless nights, and almost impossibly his grades were even worse than before. This blond kid looked about his age, but definitely didn't go to his school, sometimes he would wonder if he even went to school, imagine how cool home schooling would be! JJ had thought to himself.

A couple more minutes passed until JJ gave up and plugged his headphones in and listened to his favourite rap music. JJ began to walk home with the sound of Drake playing in his ears Sighing as he walked down the street, he turned around once more for any signs of hope, and with butterflies running through his stomach, JJ caught a glimpse of the foreign boy run into the alleyway belonging to the dumpsters, and with this, JJ ran as fast as he could back to the alleyway of dumpsters.

Simon's POV

I ran to the alleyway around the corner as fast as I could, without stopping to take a breath. I was anxious in hope to see the stranger again and hoped that my luck would have it and find him there, waiting for me. But that only happened in fairy tales didn't it? Not that I was in love with him or anything.

I eventually reached my familiar alleyway and leant back against the brick wall as I ran my own hand through my hair. There was an obvious bruise forming around the front of my head, of which made me slightly look more and more of a thug as it grew each day. But that didn't stop me from wanting to see 'JJ'. I wanted to see him again so much, he fascinated me and I had no explanation as to why.

My plan was to hopefully see him along the footpath of the shops, and try to make myself obvious in his presence, to make eye contact and start a conversation, but luckily enough, I didn't have to think of that scenario for much longer as I turned my head to face the dark skinned boy glancing back at me.

This boy came over to me, and I loved the feeling of energy JJ sent my body through each time I saw him. I smiled weakly and he smiled back, our eyes meeting for what felt like forever.


(time skip into conversation)

'so you like video games, huh?' I ask him, shyly looking back over at him to meet his gaze.

'I guess' Blondie replied back

'what do you mean, I guess? Do you not play video games at home?' I asked, confused at his response, making this boy even more fascinating to me than before

'uh.. I, um'

'c'mon spit it out. Hey, what's your name by the way?' I ask, curious to know the answer

'Simon' Blondie replies back as butterflies fill my stomach, a feeling I've never felt for a girl before. The name just sounded right. Simon; I liked it.

'That's a cute name' I replied rather too quickly, accidently allowing the words to slip out of my mouth. 'Uh, I mean..'

'Na, it's alright. Get it all the time with girls. I bet your name is super cute too. Lemme guess, Jonathan?' and for all of a sudden, this boy 'Simon' had gained confidence in himself, and he was almost fucking with my brain, and I couldn't control it.

'Jonathan? Really, an African kid with the name Jonathan?' I reply, cracking a smile and liking this boy even more. 'You're never going to guess'

'Does it start with J?' Simon asked. I liked this boy so much, but his cockiness began to annoy me, I wasn't a one for blushing, but at this point I couldn't stop myself.

My hands covered my face, as I bring my knees up and hug them even closer to me, hiding my huge grin that had appeared wider than ever 'That's a good guess' I reply

'I'm correct aren't I! Ha!' Simon budges closer to me as we both sit on the floor and I bring my arm up to my face and chew on my right sleeve, getting so flustered by the situation. 'Your name's JJ isn't it?' Simon said, looking at me with a wide grin covering his face.

'Oh, fuck off!' I said back to him in disbelief, looking at his blue eyes for the millionth time today. Simon cracks the cutest smile I think I have ever seen in my life as I let out a chuckle and remain eye contact with him.

'I wasn't that unconscious when you made me fall, ya' know' Simon replies back, completely enjoying every moment of embarrassing me in front of him. 'I also heard you making sure I was alright and getting the cashier to ring an ambulance. Thank you for that'

'Such an asshole' I say, giggling and smirking at him, also trying my best to hide my red cheeks.

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