Chapter 13- Safe inside

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Simon's POV

I didn't sleep that night, I lay awake trying to make sense of myself. I didn't understand how I could be in love with him when I had never experienced love before, from what felt like anyone. So to have JJ come into my life, and almost take control of my feelings without me even knowing, was crazy.

I couldn't explain how I was feeling at that moment, but I knew that I had never wanted any of it to end. Ever.

I wasn't going to school for a few days, as a result of my broken ankle. I could do, but I couldn't be bothered. I didn't want to see anyone from school anyway, I hated it there.

I texted JJ a couple of times on the first day of myself missing school, I was bored to death- if only I had my own XBox at home. I had started to get really good at playing GTA with JJ, and had even started to beat him occassionally, and I was more than proud.

//text messages


Heyoooooooo :PP


How are youuu? :PPP


I miss you, I'm so fucking bored just laying on my bed 24/7 :((((


I'm guessing you want me on your bed with you :))


I've never experienced love like this before, I hope you know.


I never really had anyone to love.


But I've recently found that I love you


So, so much


Simon, you're going to have to wait for after school. I'm in history.


I love you, JJ. Thanks for being my best friend ❤


People are looking at me, I've got tears in my eyes. Jeez, what have you done? It looks like I'm crying over the Battle of Hastings ffs.


See you after school? :))


As always :))


Now hush before I block your number


You would never do that

JJ 💖

Stop, I'm getting weird looks. I'm smiling like an idiot.

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