Chapter 7- JJ's classroom thoughts

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JJ's POV- in class

I hated the fact that this irritating little blonde boy was so fascinating to me- I couldn't get him off my mind. I wanted him at my school; I imagined we sat next to each other in lessons, as if we were best friends. I constantly think of him. I don't fit in well with my class, I don't think anyone likes me- people find me too annoying, well I am a bit of a bully I guess. I used to be pretty decent, but I rebel now that I'm living the secondary school life and have no idea what's going on half the time in my lessons.

Sure, being in year ten is hard, but not hard enough when I constantly have a boy stuck in my head all day. The teacher's at my school say I've quietened down a little during lessons, which they praise me for, but recently I've just been feeling like I've run out of words to say, like there's nothing left of me anymore. I'm just some boy now, at the back of the class who doesn't even know himself yet.

I get angry at quite a lot of things, because sometimes I can just feel like the world is ending, and there's nothing I can do about it. This boy has changed my life, and I don't know whether it's for the best or not, but I know that I certainly couldn't live without him.

He's so pretty, and I think that's the main thought that I've been stuck with this whole time, why is he so pretty? I just want to protect him, I can tell by his face that his life isn't easy- so I want to be there for him, and I feel like I have to.

Does he even play any video games? I wonder if I could get is Xbox name? I'd love to play a game with him sometime, wreck his arse.

'Olajide Olatunji, will you get back down to earth this minute!' I turn my away from the window and see my maths teacher inches away from me shouting at me, threatening me with a detention 'One second, you're acting the class clown and making a complete fool of yourself, and the next minute you're silent as a mouse! Sit straight, Olajide, and pay close attention to me for the rest of this lesson!'

The class erupts with soft chuckles as I feel heat run to my cheeks as I remember back to what I had been thinking about as I slump back into my chair, fiddle with my pen and wonder what Simon is doing right now...

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