Chapter 26- 'How to play GTA like an idiot'

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A few new comments on the latest video I uploaded read;

'Hey, I really like the video! I can tell you did too'

'Lol, you're pretty funny'

'Pretty good job man'

and finally, 'when's the next video out?'

I was planning an idea for my next video, and I was really enjoying the idea of YouTube. I had used YouTube as a way to pass time when I hadn't been with Simon. But now that I've forgiven Simon, and we've got back together, I wanted to introduce him to the world of YouTube and filming videos himself. I had gained a few subscribers and I had frequent viewers on my channel. It seemed like I had got to know my viewers well and the people who kept coming back to my channel seemed pretty nice, so I couldn't see why this was a bad idea. I hadn't explained this to anyone yet.

However, I'm not sure whether Simon would be interested in the idea or not, but it's worth a try, the way he sometimes plays GTA is really funny, and I could use him as a way to title the video; 'How to Play GTA Like an Idiot'- that would get loads of views- I had great ideas for him being on my channel.

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