Chapter 24- If Only

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Simon's POV

'I told you I'd beat you' I say looking around at JJ.

'Come on, one more round' JJ says to me, his smile widening as he looks at me

'I'm too good at this' I say smugly, nudging his side with my elbow and letting out a small laugh

'I'm better' JJ says, trying his best to hide his annoyance.

'Prove it' I say grinning widely, leaning into him as I do so. JJ ends up shoving me off him and grabbing onto my waist as he falls back onto his bedroom floor as he fills me with soft kisses around my stomach and tickles my chest mercilessly as I scream on the floor, struggling to get away from his grasp.


I wake up suddenly to the sound of someone knocking on my front door. As I sit up from the sofa, I realise I had slept in for the whole day and neither Daisy or mum had been in with me at all, I was well and truly home alone- and had been for the whole day. I glance up at the clock as well as taking a good look at the current situation of the living room I had demolished whilst spending another whole day at home by myself. Pillows had been thrown around on the floor; a current Youtube video of Black Ops had been paused on the TV since God knows when, and food had somewhat been scattered around on the carpet. Another series of knocks on the front door echoed throughout the room. 'Alright, alright!' I say, to no one in particular as I grab my crutches, take a deep breath and make my way to the front door, part of me wishing it was Daisy who had forgotten her house keys.

As I stand up wobbly, and balance on my crutches, I brush myself down and remove crumbs of food that had covered my body on the sofa. I was wearing my SpongeBob pyjamas to my embarrassment, and hoped that whoever was at the door was someone who wouldn't judge. I grab a steady hold of my crutches as I look up and suddenly catch a glimpse of someone standing by my window.

I take a closer look and to my surprise, I watch as the person at the window turns around and reveals himself as JJ. My face suddenly began to light up from seeing him again, JJ's eyes glimmered in the sunlight but his uniform looked a mess, his tie had been messed up around his collar as his bag lay slumped upon his left shoulder messily. But, boy did he look beautiful. And I realise this was my second chance with him - there was no way on this Earth was I to ever get rid of him again. My heart quickened it's pace and I stand in my living room, looking at him for a few seconds as he sees me and looks at me too, a smile approaching his face. I pay attention to his eyes and his body. His hair was scruffed up and I wondered what he had been up to whilst I had been gone. I was so happy to see him again, and it only made me feel more like an idiot to think that I was the one who blocked him out of my life. We remain making eye contact again for what seems to be the first time in forever, until I feel my cheeks burn a bright red and give into him to look back down towards my SpongeBob trousers. I find the urge to suddenly rush over to the front door, and almost without pausing, I open the door and throw my crutches on the floor in one swift movement as JJ steps a little closer towards me and I lean into his arms as he opens them out wide for me, as I snuggle my head deep into his neck.

We stay like this for a while allowing me to breathe in JJ's scent that I had been missing for so long. My heart bursts with affection knowing that JJ had come around after school to see me; I realised I was so selfish for leaving him this whole time, I had missed him so much.

'Simon' JJ manages to stutter, as he squeezes my waist and slightly manages to lift me off the ground, despite him being shorter than me.

I wobble on my one foot and remain a firm grip to JJ's shoulder as he carries me and then pushes me against my living room wall, leaving me with only my right leg to support me from losing JJ's grip for a second as he slams the front door behind him. JJ rushes back to me to hold me firmly before my right foot almost looses strength in itself to hold my own weight up for much longer. 'JJ' I pant in his ear, as I feel my leg begin to cramp up.

'Jump' says JJ. And as I do so, JJ grabs onto the back of my thighs and kisses me roughly against the wall, leaving me out of breath. My legs are lifted up around his waist, and I tangle my fingers through his hair and realise how lucky I got to have met him.

I kiss JJ back, but JJ fights for dominance in the kiss, making me smile. I break away from the kiss as I do so to quickly whisper in his ear. 'I'm getting my cast taken off tomorrow'

'That's fucking great babe' JJ replies back, smiling and looking at my eyes as he plays with my hair, taking in as much as my presence as possible.

'I wish you could come with me' I say, slightly out of breath

'Me too' JJ replies, as he kisses all over my cheek and down my neck, leaving both of us smiling like maniacs against the wall. 'But I'm here now'

'I'm so sorry' I whimper, suddenly falling emotional under his touch 'I won't do it again'

Tears prick up in my eyes as JJ looks at me longingly 'Shhh, baby, it's okay' JJ whispers back to me, running his fingers down my chest and kissing my face repeatedly

'I love you, I love you, I love you' I say, over and over again as JJ hushes me and kisses away my tears as I relax under his touch.

'I've got you' JJ replies back.

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