Chapter 29- Habits of my Heart

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❤️ Thank you so much for the support! Ily all ❤️

Simon's POV

It's 4:00pm when I was standing against the brick wall opposite the same, old dumpsters that sadly looked at me each afternoon. I was thinking about school, and how everyone hated me, no matter what I did. I was annoyed at the fact that I had met, what I thought to believe, my soul mate- but he didn't even go to the same school as me! How come everything and everyone were so shit in times when they needed to be okay?

However, my thoughts disappeared suddenly when I felt a pair of strong arms grab my body from behind. JJ pulled me tighter into his stomach as he nuzzled his face into my back. 'JJ!' I squeal out excitedly, grabbing a hold of his arms from my front. I struggle out of his grasp and I hear his giggles from behind my back as I become impatient, as he let loose of his arms and I span round to face him. We stared at each other for a while before I cupped the side of JJ's face with both my hands and brought myself in for a kiss.

'I love you' JJ says to me, breaking the kiss. We re- situate ourselves to behind the dumpsters so that JJ is able to kneel in front of me as we both sit down on the floor. As he does so, I feel his fingers work slowly towards my neck, where he last left a mark. 'Did anything happen at school?' JJ asks me, playing with my collar and revealing the mark.

'Nothing much, people were just staring' I say back, only half lying but not being able to reach JJ's gaze as I squirm under his grasp and grab a hold of his wrists, beckoning him to leave it alone.

'You're such a liar.' JJ says back, holding a firm stare to my face, I could feel him looking at me. 'You can just tell me, I won't do it again'

I got annoyed at JJ then and began squirming under his body, covering my face with my hands in embarrassment, 'No! JJ, it's fine' I tease, gently pulling him back towards me, however only causing him to topple slightly before returning to his position, hovering over my body.

'Oh, so you don't want me to stop making those marks, huh?' JJ says, smiling widely- frustrating the hell out of me

I eventually give in and sink back further to the wall, making eye contact with him and sighing as JJ sits to the side of me and pulls me in, once again, for a deeper, more meaningful kiss. I lean forward to wrap my arm around his back, but stop suddenly as I hear disoriented noises from around us. I pause in the position we're in as JJ hears it too. I relax my arms a lot more, and after a few moments of this suspicious chatter JJ begins to stand up, but I beckon him to sit back down. Ignoring my command, JJ stands up and brushes himself down. The constant sound of my name begins spilling out in conversation and laughter can be heard along the pavement around the dumpsters. I begin to worry, having to remind myself that everything's going to be okay and it's not going to be anything my brain had began to expect.

'JJ, come back' I whisper to him as he makes his way to the pavement, every now and then looking back to check on me. I reach out a hand to JJ, but he ignores it as he takes another step forward to the edge of the dumpsters.


As I get nearer to the noises, I manage to pick up on a few of their conversations, whoever they may be. But from what they were saying, it wasn't hard for me to guess who they were.

'No way is that Simon!' One of them say as I lean my hand up against the wall, and look down at my shoes to avoid eye contact with Simon

'Does the black boy go to our school?' I hear one of them say, through fits of laughter.

'I don't know, what the fuck is he even doing?' Another says, giggling

'Why is he so fucking strange? Honestly, I swear there's something wrong with him'. They all burst out in a chorus of laughter from that, and that was when I lost my shit.

I made my way from the corner of the dumpsters to see three boys' surprised faces staring back at me. I made sure they didn't have a word in edgeways as I moved closer to them, towering above them and looking down on them. I asked them what they were saying, I asked them why they were saying it, but of course that only led to a silent response. I didn't touch them, and that was the one thing I made sure I didn't do, otherwise this whole thing would only get bigger. Instead, I examined each and everyone of their faces with great amounts of detail, one had a scar above his left eye; something that I would easily remember. Another was ginger, and boy, if I ever did think that gingers were the ones to be picked on at school I was more than wrong. And the other, was short, a lot shorter than either one of them and almost half my height, but by the looks of it, he was the one to carry the team in their little, fun games.

'Who the fuck do you think you are?!' I ask them, raising my voice just a little as I inch one step closer to their faces.

Silence filled the streets as people began to turn around and look at me, 'What did you say about him, huh, what did you say about my Simon?' I continue, 'I'll find out what you did to him yesterday, and I'll be damn sure that you're sorry. This isn't fun and games.'

I see one of them gulp nervously underneath me, and the ginger kid look around at the others, only to be ignored by his worried glare as he turns back to looking at his shoes.

'Why don't you go find a fucking life' I shout back, 'and stop picking on him. He hasn't done anything to you, so I suggest you go fuck off and leave him be' by saying this, the three boys eventually back away from my presence as I kick a stone towards their feet in anger and frustration.

As they begin to run off back down the pavement, I leave too with one final sentence, shouting back to them to make sure they heard; 'don't you dare touch my boy ever again. Otherwise I'll make sure this won't be the last time I speak to you.' As I say this, I wave them goodbye as they rush off down the road and I turn back around to see a teary eyed Simon staring back at me from the pavement, standing directly in front of me. He leans in to my body, grabbing my cheeks and smiling widely as he kisses me passionately.
On the streets.
In front of everybody.

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