Chapter 5- Bluebird

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Simon's POV

'I'll meet you here tomorrow, yeah?' JJ asks smiling back at me. It was quite late at the evening, and I assumed my mum had given up worrying over me as to where I was

'4:00pm?' I ask him, as we both stood up and brushed off the dirt from our trousers

'Sure, but I mean won't little Simon have school work to do?' JJ asks me, and I can tell that he's trying to wind me up

'I'm older than you, shut up!' I say back, purposely bumping into him from the side as we walked down the pavement together.

'Aye, be careful there Simon, don't want you falling over again!' JJ teased, for some reason I had noticed he always wanted to annoy me in one way or another.

'As if you wouldn't want to grab ahold of me again. Even though you couldn't catch me' I reply back, enjoying every waking second of being here with him

'Why are you not getting embarrassed over this? You were the one who fell head over heals, almost purposely to get my attention, aye?' JJ smirked back. Noticing the glimmer of Simon's eyes as he looked back at him. Eye's like bluebirds.

'Whatever, I'm leaving. I live right down here. See you tomorrow then?'

'4:00pm, be there or be square' JJ shouted as he turned around and tried to act cool by showing me a peace sign and sticking out his tongue, in which I both cringed too, but then again thoroughly enjoyed.

Time Skip- Simon's school

The lunch bell had just rang as Simon packed up his equipment from his worst lesson ever; maths.

Simon still didn't have many friends and by being in the bottom set, it didn't help him to gain much trust with anyone either. Simon hated school with a passion, and constantly wished that JJ would just be at his school and help him out. Simon had always struggled with almost every subject, he just couldn't get his head around anything! The only thing Simon truly enjoyed was Media when he studied video games and designing. Simon had thought into being a games designer as a full time career for many years now, but everyone had just thought he was stupid for having that idea, but Simon didn't believe he could end up anywhere else.

As Simon stepped outside of the school building and headed for the canteen alone, he suddenly felt a something hit him on the back of his head. Worried as to what it might have been, he turned back around and saw a group of about five boys in his classes laugh directly at him as Simon looked down at the floor and saw a half-full bottle of water lay by his feet. Surprisingly, that bottle of water had hurt his head immensely as he was now aware of another possible lump forming to the back of his head; great.

As Simon walked away and ignored the boys behind him he suddenly became aware of the words they were calling him. 'Dickhead,' they screamed, 'you're a fucking waste of space' Simon heard another scream. 'Can't you just piss off for once, you literally have no friends, fucking loner.'

Simon's paced picked up as he held back the tears forming in his eyes as he ran to the canteen, alone.

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