Chapter 11- Human

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time skip- a couple of months later


I finally took my head out of my arse when Simon texted me one evening that he had broken is ankle, and had ended up in a cast. I texted him a million times that night, I had waited for him for half an hour until I got a phone call from Simon saying that he was in the hospital.

I felt sick to my own stomach and ran back to my house as quick as I could, panicking over the fact that I couldn't do much about it. I wasn't in control over the situation, but I wanted to be there for Simon. I felt like I had to.

That was the day that I ran back to my house and explained everything to my mum. I explained meeting Simon, and him being my best friend. I ended up weeping on the floor and begging my mum to allow me to get the bus to the hospital; my mum thought I had been mad, and was no doubt angry at me for being out of the house without her knowing. It was only shortly after that I ran up to my room, locked my door, and cried myself to sleep, only to wake myself up again early in the morning from continuous nightmares about Simon. I had managed to stop shaking and crying when I opened up my phone, turned on my XBox and started to film my own gameplay of playing against others online.

I did this frequently to try and cheer myself up. But nothing could cheer me up more than to see my Simon.

It was the day after that my mum allowed me to get the bus on my own and travel to the hospital in order see Simon.

Simon's POV

It was only when one of my nurses had come up to me and told me I had a visitor the next day I had entered the hospital, when I saw JJ again for the first time in what felt like forever. He came rushing up to me in utter excitement as he sat down on the chair next to my bed in the hospital. I had a red cast covering the whole of my left foot and could only imagine what my hair looked like. I hadn't had a wash in what felt like for ages, and being restricted to a hospital bed all day was not fun.

'JJ!' I squeel from across the hospital room as he comes over and hugs me quickly 'What are you doing here, oh my god! My mum's here- she's in the toilets!' I whisper to JJ as he sits down on the chair next to my bed, I lean over to him and return a hug, feeling so happy that he's back with me.

'Oh shit, your mum's here? She doesn't know me does she?!' JJ stutters back. 'Just, say I'm a school friend, easy peasy.'

As JJ says this, he gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, someting that feels my whole body with happinness and unexplained emotions. My mouth dropped open as JJ returned to his seat quickly as the door to the hospital room opened and my mum had returned.

I was let out of the hospital from receiving my results of the X-Ray scan I had taken, a couple of hours after continuous conversations between my mum, JJ and I. I couldn't stop staring at JJ, his company was thrilling to have around me during this time. There wasn't anything I could want more in my life than him.

Time skip- a couple of hours later, at home

//Text messages

Simon- 11:02am

Are you home yet? Thank you again for today. You're the best friend I've ever had. ❤Xx

JJ💖- 11:04am

Just got in, and it's no problem Simon, I love you

Simon❤- 11:04am

Is that why you kissed me?

Simon❤- 11:07am

I love you too

Simon❤- 11:08am

Want to come around mine sometime?

Simon❤- 11:08am

I know I haven't got any games or anything, but we could watch a movie together?

Simon❤- 11:08

I want you to know how much I appreciate you Xx

Simon❤- 11:09

I love you too JJ Xx

JJ💖- 11:10

I'd love to come around yours. Today yeah?

Simon❤- 11:10

Sure. Today, yeah, we can talk if you want?

JJ💖- 11:10

Yes please x

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