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Dear Niall!

I'll do it! I'm sending over all the letters to you as I ever wrote and I hope you receive them as the man as you are. Yes, this comes as a shock for you, but I demand nothing from you. I just want you to know what I feel for you.

Just to make it easier for you to understand. I was in love with you from the beginning, but I didn't want to admit that to myself, the fact that I was gay. I didn't want to think about it and I treated you as I thought I would treat you, as a man, a friend, as nothing more than that. Although I cried myself to sleep every night, but  I didn't have the ability to be honest with you, not in this way....

Niall I love you, but as you can imagine, I can't demand the same from you. However, you can send me a letter and tell me what you feel, even if that doesn't satisfy my needs. You can write: "No, we're friends!" and that's enough. I understand.

I just want to reach out, to be honest and stop playing theater in front of you. I want to stop being that normal person, I just want to be myself. I know it's not easy to be gay and the gods know it must be difficult where you come from, but I've still done something I'm proud of. I have never told a person that I love him or her for that matter. Not ever in my life and you'r the first one.....

Please! If you hate me, send that over to me. If you despise me, you can even write that down on a paper. I just want to know what you feel, exactly now, at this moment as you read this.

Your Harry

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