24 We want

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Harry woke up early in the morning. The sun was about to go up and the room was filled with morning light. Niall lay snoring on his stomach next to Harry. It was as if the Irishman needed more sleep and Harry felt that he deserved that. Instead, he slipped quietly from bed. Took on a pair of pants and smiled over his own body. Since Harry had come to Niall, they had almost been naked all the time, except when they left the apartment. Somehow it was as if they took the opportunity to do everything right now. There would come a time when they would be apart. Harry didn't wanted to think about going home, even if that was what would happen. It was almost as if he wanted to stay in Ireland forever, but at the same time it was too early to move in with Niall. After all, they needed to get to know each other, tell everyone else that they were a couple, and so on. Harry took a deep breath and he watched Nialls body carefully. Niall was naked, the blanket had slipped off him and his back was totally perfect in the light from the window. Harry loved that man, and there was nothing that could make Harry to stop feeling that way.

Nialls kitchen wasn't big, but somehow did Harry liked it in there. He slowly began to make breakfast for Niall. It was as if they got into a habit. Harry was the woman in the home and Niall was the man. Yes, Niall was really a man. Harry had noticed that he was smart, handy and he knew things that Harry hadn't thought about. Somehow they fit better together against what Harry had understood.

"You're not naked?"

Harry turned around as soon as he heard the voice. Niall stood in the doorway, naked and beautiful as always. It was a sight that Harry never wanted to forget. He got upp a smile and he raised his eyebrows.

"So I can't hide anything?"

Niall grinned a little and leaned against the door. He looked at Harry with that look that said it all. Yes, they were both good at giving glances.

"Take off your pants!"

Harry laughed a little. He wiped off his hands and then he obeyed him. He threw over his pants on a chair and then he looked at Niall again.


Niall nodded and he licked his lips.

"Should we have breakfast first, or do I get the dessert first?"

Harry just smiled and he put up egg sandwiches on two plates.

"I'm hungry." he said, and he realized that he couldn't finish the sentence in that way. "I mean, we have to eat?"

Niall took a deep breath and he went into the kitchen. Harry followed him with his eyes and he saw that Niall was ready for anything.

"You're so boring!" Niall got out from himself, in a teasing way. He stood behind Harry, took his arms around his stomach and hugged him gently from behind. "But I know what you mean. We must eat to cope playing with each other."

Harry nodded and he turned around, in Nialls arms, so that their stomach was pressed against each other. Quickly he took his arms around Nialls neck and he looked into the blue eyes.


Niall grinned wide and he nodded.

"Yes, you know I'm insatiable when it comes to you?"

Harry groaned lightly. In recent days, they hadn't done anything other than to discovered each other's bodies. It was as if Niall took back everything he had missed and he wanted everything double up. Harry was sore in the body and actually he began to wonder if Niall ever would be satisfied.

"Please, we eat food first." he whispered. "I know you want to do everything with me, but we can also take it easy?"


Harry cleared the table and he wiped up after them. Niall sat still on the chair and he viewed every movement as Harry did. It was almost a unnatural attention. Harry blushed by the thought that Niall saw everything.

"So you like to stare?"

Niall giggled and laid his elbows on the table. He merely nodded and he wasn't ashamed.

"I like to look at that as attracts me." he said with a hoarse voice and he put his hands under his chin. "So when are we going to fuck?"

Harry got big eyes and he met the Irishman's gaze. OK, everything was just about sex for him? Harry didn't know what to say about that. If someone had asked him a few years ago, he had said yes to it all, but now it was just too much.

"Is that all you want to do?"

Niall seemed to understand that Harry reacted. This time he blushed, but his eyes remained on Harry.

"I'm sorry but I have never had a relationship before and I haven't had the choice to do like this or not." he said kindly. "And you'll go home to London soon. Who knows when we meet next time?"

Harry leaned his back against the kitchen counter and he nodded toward Niall. Yes, it was that fate as was awaited. Total separation!

"I know!" he got up and he felt the lump in his stomach. "But we have to try to cope with a distance relationship?"

It was a small consolation. Niall stood up and he stretched out his arms in the air.

"And then?" His voice was muffled. "I want all the things that normal people have, and right now I feel a little lost. I know you want me and all that, but I don't know how I feel about the fact that you wont be here, in a few days."

Harry swallowed. He saw that Niall did suffered by the thought. Slowly it dawned to Harry that this wouldn't last long, this as they wanted to have, but the question was how they would solve everything?

"No one in the gang knows...!" Harry lowered his eyes slightly. "Shouldn't we dare to be open at first? I mean, if I move to you, I have to tell them and if they come to visit you, they would be surprised that we live together."

Niall lowered his arms and he took a few steps toward Harry.

"I come to you next time?"

Harry looked up at him.

"You mean...?"

Niall nodded and he smiled weak.

"Yes, we may have to dare more before we can do that as feels natural, moving together and all that." he said kindly. "I want you, Harry, and whatever happens, I would hope that we are aiming for a future together."

Harry swallowed. He saw that Niall was honest and he saw that it was that conversation, about whether they would or not.

"I want all that, with you..."

Yes, Harry was honest. He swallowed and he cocked his head slightly askew. They was silence for a few seconds before Harry went over to Niall and took his arms around Nialls neck. There was a hug between them, a long hug between two guys who wanted to plan everything together.

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