28 friends or not?

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Harry felt everything in the stomach. Niall went after him into the pub and the whole gang was there and then some others as they did know. It was that moment when they would acknowledge the truth, but at the same time wasn't Harry sure if that would be the best thing to do? Liam lit up when he saw them and immediately he hugged Niall.

"So you come crawling back to London?" he said with a playful smile. "I knew you would come back."

Harry saw that Niall was uncertain about all this. He avoided eye contact with Liam and he had lowered his gaze.

"Yes, it happens more over here." he replied apologetically. Louis did the same thing, he hugged Niall and said something about him being home again. They sat down and ordered beers, but neither Niall or Harry knew what they would say.

"So you have a apartment nearby?" asked Eleanor, as if that was an important issue. Niall cleared his throat a little bit, gave Harry a quick glance.

"Nah, I'm staying with Harry."

No one seemed to understand.

"I can help you find a good apartment." Liam said as if that were the case. Niall gulped and tried to seek support from Harry. Harry, in turn, just blushed and he couldn't utter a word. What would he say? "No Niall lives with me and we fuck. You know, we are gay." but he realized that was the wrong choice of words.

"Nah, he will fit with me."

All become quiet and everyone just started to stare at him.

"Really?" he heard Louis say. "But maybe that your apartment is a bit small, I mean, if you live two there should have two bedrooms?"

Niall cleared his throat.

"Nah, it's fine."

It was one of those moments as was unpleasant, you could feel that all around the table become stiff all over. Harry tried to find the words, but to his surprise was Niall the one as opened his mouth first.

"Harry and I am gay."


Niall tried to smile.

"He went to Ireland so we would find out what we feel for each other and we chose to be a couple."


Harry looked up from the glass. All had large eyes and everyone was staring at them. Right as it was began Liam to laugh, yes, he laugh a lot, and he pushed teasingly at Nialls arm.

"You'r so funny. Yes, you've always had a sense of humor."

Everyone started to laugh, and everyone thought it was a joke. It was as if no one took it seriously. Niall got read cheeks and he almost dropped his chin. Harry realized one thing, they didn't understand. Quickly he stood up, and now he was angry.

"We are gay!" he almost shouted straight up in their faces. "You can laugh and do the hell whatever you want, but me and Niall are together. We love each other and we fuck more than you can imagine."

Where did he get the courage from? He was almost surprised over himself and everyone became quiet again. Niall slumped down on the chair and he was now ready to disappear through the floor. Harry still wanted to make it clear to everyone that this wasn't a joke.

"So if you have something against us, we can leave the room. We came here to tell all of you about us and we hope you still want to be our friends."

Harry didn't care what they thought about the matter.

"I have fought for years to hide that I'm gay and I really tried to be who you are, but now I wont hide my true self. I love Niall and you know what, my parents and his parents are behind us. The understands us and they... "he lost his breath, and he slid down on the chair again. He quickly took Nialls hand and put it in his lap, as a consolation. Harry lowered his face to the table and he was close to crying, not because of fear, but because of the whole situation.

The silence was total. He didn't want to hear what they said after this and he just wanted to go home and lie down, but Niall retained him on the spot.

"So you ...?"

Louis was the first who broke the silence. Niall chose to nod.


Silence again. Harry wanted to go, well, he just wanted to leave this pub and disappear. It was as if the world just collapsed and he felt unsure over everything.

"We have nothing against gays!" Harry heard Liam say quietly and directly did he raised his gaze to look at Liam and the others. Everyone looked at them but it wasn't with contempt. It was as if they were ashamed.

"We're still your friends." Liam proceeded quickly. "I mean, if you choose to do things in that manner it's up to you."


Harry was shaking all over. Niall held his hand tightly and they began to approach the apartment. They walked in silence, and it was as if they needed to think about it all. Maybe they should have been more open earlier? Harry remembered all the times he had wanted to flirt with guys, with Niall, but he had felt like an idiot. He had never thought that their friends would accept such a person, as he was, but during this evening they had proven the opposite.

"Is everything okay?"

Nialls hoarse voice caused him to wake up. Harry tried to smile and he nodded a little bit.

"It was just tough, but it's over and now they know everything."

Niall agreed and he tried to catch Harry's eye.

"So you don't regret..."

Harry interrupted him and he looked up at Niall.

"No, never questioning what we feel and what we have. I have no regrets, but I didn't think it would be so hard to come out from the closet."

Niall seemed to relax. He agreed and he tried to smile.

"But admit it's nice that it's over?"

Harry nodded and smiled at him.

"Yes, it's nice that it's over. Now we'll plan the rest."

Niall liked that, all that about that they would plan the rest.

"So I go and look for work on Monday and we could always move over my things and do the home more like our home and..."

Harry giggled a little at his eagerness.

"First of all, work." he said quickly. "And your stuff is already on the way?"

Niall came up with a big smile and he blushed a little bit.

"Yes I know."

Harry stopped him and he stood right in front of Niall. He raised his hands and caught up Nialls face between them. He looked straight into the blue eyes and he showed him that everything was okay. Then he did what he wanted to do all evening. Harry kissed Niall deeply.

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