Scott's pov
I slowly opened my eyes to see everyone around me. They were all in these glass tubes. I don't know how we got here, all I could remember was passing out on the grass while we were training. I tried to move around but it was like I was paralyzed. I could see that Max, Ross, and Lizzie were also awake. Lizzie was shouting at Joel to wake up, but he didn't even stir. She was almost sobbing and none of us could calm her down. I looked over at Shelby and saw that she wasn't awake either. I said her name but she didn't wake up. I said it again, but louder. Nothing. I started shouting her name but she wasn't waking up. In fact, it didn't look like she was breathing very well. I noticed that she had tubes running out of her body. It looked like whoever took us was pumping something into her. I looked closer and I realized it was ice! Her power was fire! I didn't even want to think about what it was doing to her. I started pounding on my glass prison, screaming for them to stop, that they were hurting her. I suddenly felt very weak, and I felt like I was on fire. I looked down and saw tubes all over me. They were pumping some sort of liquid into me. It almost looked like lava. I felt myself losing consciousness and everyone was yelling at me, asking what's wrong. The last thing I heard was Shelby waking up and crying.
Lizzie's pov
I didn't even know what was going on. Scott was passed out, along with Joel, and Shelby had just woken up. Whoever took us was pumping something into Scott. I heard the door opening and I looked over, trying to see who was coming in. Some girl with brown hair and nerd glasses slowly closed the door behind her. She walked over to Shelby and opened up her tube. Shelby almost fell over the second it opened. The girl quickly helped her into a chair.
"M my names K Kailey. How are you feeling? The girl asked while taking Shelby's pulse.
"Not very good. I feel so cold and weak." Shelby said, shaking.
The girl nodded, looking worried. She looked at Joel and then at Scott. She sighed and said," I'm going to regret this." She walked over to a counter with a lot of buttons. She pushed a few and typed a few things before she walked over to the rest of the tubes and opened them. I jumped out of mine and ran over to Joel, who was beginning to wake up. I helped him stand up and we walked over to the chairs so he could sit down. Max and Ross helped Scott over to the chairs too.
"Okay listen up. The guards won't realize what I've done for a while so I'll let you rest as long as I can. I'll help you guys get out of here, I just wish I could have gotten here sooner." Kailey explained pacing around the room.
" How are you going to help us? You just said there were guards and I'm pretty sure if they see us we're going g to end right back up in those tubes," Max said, staring daggers at Kailey.
Kailey smirked and said," Who said they were going to see us." Suddenly she was gone. Max jumped about three feet in the air and I heard someone laughing. Out of nowhere, Kailey appeared behind Max. Max just glared at her and sat back down.
"Wait, you have powers too!" I shouted standing up to look at her closer.
"Y yeah. Sir David doesn't know about them though, so I should be able to use them to get you guys out of here." Kailey said while looking at the floor. I gave her a huge hug and she seemed taken aback by it, but she slowly hugged back. A huge banging could be heard on the dm door.
"Looks like we're out of time, everyone grab hands. We all grabbed hands and Kailey grabbed mine. Right before the door burst open we all disappeared. Guards burst into the room shouting that we needed to be found at all costs. Kailey quietly led us out of the room and down the hall. She led us to a door and led us outside. Once we were all outside she let go of us and pointed to the woods. We all quickly ran down the hill into the protection of the trees.
"So where are we going to go? As much as I love our warehouse, I don't think we should go back there. They know where that is," Joel said panting from the run.
"Follow me, I know a place," Kailey said, leading us through the woods. After a while, we reached this huge cabin. "It used to be my parents before Sir David killed them and forced me to help him." Kailey said, leading us into the house." There aren't enough rooms for everyone so some of you will have to share. If you guys don't mind, I would like to have my parents' old room to myself." Kailey said as she led us to the rooms.
"It's no problem. Max can share a room with me, Lizzie can share a room with Joel, and Scott can share a room with Shelby. Is everyone ok with that?" Ross said looking around at us. Everyone nodded and we each picked a room. Joel and I climbs in bed and fell asleep almost instantly.
GUYS! WE HAVE 150 READS! This is amazing and it's all thanks to you guys. Thank you for reading this book and for all the support you guys give. If you want to be in the story leave an OC in the comments telling me what you look like, your personality, and if you have any powers. Thank you again for reading. I hope you had a great day and an even better tomorrow! Bye

FanficShelby (shubble), Ross (yourpallross), Max (mithzan), Lizzie (ldshadowlady), Joel (smallishbeans), and Scott (Dangthatsalongname) are on their way to the movies when an accident happens. They disover these powers and start out on a journey to save t...