Chapter 12: Do you...?

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Jen's POV

Moments later I pulled away. I didn't let the kiss last long, because God knows what would have happened if I did.

"Don't get this the wrong way. I'm not giving you a second chance. Now if you'll excuse me." I whispered in his ear and walked past him and straight to my room, without even bothering to close the door behind me.

I had achieved what I wanted. I of course felt terrible using him in this way to do so, but the end justifies the means.

I could hear his footsteps following right behind me. Why wouldn't he just leave me alone? Was it too much to ask?

"Jen, why can't you just stop being so stubborn? You hide behind those stupid walls, denying what's right in front of you. I wouldn't be insisting this much if I knew you you didn't feel the same way." he said.

I was standing in the middle of my room with my back turned on him, but I could tell he was standing by the door.

"Just leave me alone." I commanded him.

At this moment I wasn't able to think about anything. I was trying really hard to pull myself together but his presence definitely wasn't helping.

"I'll do as you ask. Pushing you is not going to work anyway." he said.

"Finally something we can agree on!" I said back.

He came closer to me and kissed the back of my head, running his fingers gently through my hair. I did my best to not show how much an action as simple as this one was affecting me.

He then rested his forehead against my head. I was constantly reminding myself to keep breathing.

"Just mark my words. It's your choice to be happy again. Just make the right one, love."

By saying that, he quietly exited the room, mumbling something on his way out which I doubt was even English and then he left my house.


The following couple days we were both a complete emotional wreck.

The make-up team was doing wonders, but our appearance wasn't the only thing giving away that something was off. We were both miserable and barely talked to anyone, let alone to one another.

By now, pretty much everyone from the cast had figured out that something serious had happened between me and Colin, yet no one dared to ask either of us what that was. And I loved them for that. They knew we would tell them on our own time.

Thankfully, we were filming our last scenes for the season these days and soon enough each of us would be flying back home.

Unfortunately, it being the end of Season 5 meant that I had many scenes left to film with Colin. I had gone through my script and I was startled by the amount of times I had to pretend to be kissing him. After everything that had happened between us recently, I didn't know if I was ready just yet.


We were filming some scenes in Steveston today. I had finished mine, but I stuck around just to not be alone once again. Being left alone lately, ended up with me laid on my couch, crying my heart out.

I didn't want that to happen today.

Colin and I were still ignoring each other. Well, I was the one ignoring him again, he just let me be, as he had said.

I was sitting on my chair observing the guys filming, but once they were finished, I decided to just go to my trailer and not make things more awkward than they already were.

Ginny saw me standing up and approached me, worry washing over her face.

"Hey, are you ok?" she asked me with a bit of concern in her voice.

"Ya, I'm good." I replied and started walking towards my trailer.

"Would you mind if I kept you company for a while?" she asked.

I wanted more than anything to be left alone, but hanging out with Ginny wouldn't hurt.

"Not at all. Come on." I told her and we linked arms.

We entered my trailer and sat on the small couch.

"So, do you want some coffee?" I asked awkwardly.

I needed to talk to someone about everything that had happened between Colin and I, but at the same time I was super embarrassed to share such information with her. She was one of my best friends, but playing her daughter for all those years I felt like she kind of was like a mother to me in real life. She of course was younger than me, but that was not the point.

"Uh, no thanks. I'm still pregnant." she said, smiling and pointing to her baby bump.

"Yeah, right." I said and smiled as well.

(A/N: from this point on, as there is mostly going to be the conversation between Ginny and Jen, I'm just gonna write G: for Ginny and J: for Jen so no one gets confused)

G: "So, now that we're finally alone, spill it."

J: "I don't know what you're talking about. There's nothing to spill."

G: "Jennifer, I'm worried about you, talk to me please."

J: "I'm perfectly fine."

G: "You can lie to everyone else, including yourself, but you can't fool me. I've known you long enough to be able to see through you."

Damn, she was right.

After a long silence, I decided to speak and tell her everything.

J: "It's Colin."

G: "What about him?"

J: "We kind of had a thing."

G: "But isn't he married? What were you both thinking?"

When she asked that it occurred to me that I didn't actually know if he was still married to Helen. This never came up.

J: "He was."

G: "Was, as in, 'he is not anymore'?"

J: "Was, as in, 'was when it happened'."

G: "Oh, now I see why you guys have been acting weird lately. You are both adults, figure it out."

J: "I wish it was that easy. We are both really messed up. At this point, I think we will never speak to one another ever again."

I proceeded to tell her about pretty much everything that had happened between us the last couple months. She was very consolatory as always.

G: "So, Jennifer, I want to ask you something but promise me you will answer truthfully."

I sighed because I kinda knew what she was about to ask.

J: "Go ahead."

G: "Do you love him?"

A/N: Ok, so, some of you might hate me for ending it here🙈 Before I get shot, I wanted to ask you something. So, this book is set the morning after Jen and Colin spent a drunken night together😏. That's also why this book is called "The night". Do you guys want me to write a chapter describing what happened on that night? It is not gonna be a smut chapter, but it might have a bit of sexual content. If so, this is going to be the next chapter.
Thank you for reading my story, leaving lovely comments and voting on it❤️
Xoxo, Eva💕

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