Chapter 21: Sleepless night (part I)

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Colin's POV

I was nervously waiting on Jen to say something but all I got was silence and the distinctive sound of cars passing by in her surroundings.

"Jen, talk to me. Where are you? Why are you crying?" I shouted unintentionally.

Given her current state, the last thing she needed was someone shouting at her. I regretted it instantly.

"Answer me please." I pleaded in a much calm voice.

"I'm...I'm at that park we used to...drink beers." she said between sobs.

I knew exactly which one she was referring to. I wasted no time and rushed to my car.

"Don't go anywhere. I will be there in a minute. Don't hang up. Do you hear me?" I said, opening the driver's side door.

I got inside and placed my phone on the stand. I was so thankful it was late at night, meaning there weren't probably any police officers patrolling the streets right now. I was driving like a maniac.

"Jen, are you still there?" I asked, passing a red traffic light.

I had put her on speaker previously.

"Yes." she whispered just loud enough for me to hear.

There were so many thoughts about what might have happened to her running through my mind. I could only imagine the worst case scenario.

I did a usual 20-minute-drive route in probably less than 7. When I got out of the car I spotted her immediately. She was sitting on a bench curled up in a ball. Her arms were wrapped around her knees and her head was buried between her legs and her chest. I rushed to her. At this point, I was so relieved to find her in one piece.

"Hey, it's ok, I'm here now." I said, placing my hand on her back and rubbing it up and down softly.

My first instinct was to take off my jacket and cover her exposed shoulders with it and that's exactly what I did. I then proceeded to sit beside her on the bench. We stood there in complete silence for a few minutes, her stance not changing even a bit, before I decided to speak. I wanted to know what had happened to her but it was not the time to ask.

"Do you want me to take you home?" I asked.

She instantly lifted her head and looked into my eyes with evident concern. Her whole face, including her hair, was a total mess.

"I can't...go home. I don' keys." she responded, still struggling to talk in full sentences.

I gave her a confused look. That definitely didn't sound like the Jennifer I knew. She would be the last person in the world I would imagine losing their keys. She was always awfully responsible.

"Hey, it's ok. You're coming with me." I proclaimed.

I stood up and offered her my hand to assist her. She took it and stood up as well. She took a few steps before losing her balance and falling back on the bench once again.

I should have known. She was drunk.

"Jennifer, look at me." I ordered, lifting her head with my hand.

"I slightly...drunk." she mumbled with closed eyes.

"You don't say." I teased and shot her a goofy smile.

It made her smile as well. Her drunken smile was adorable.

"Come on, let's go." I said and scooped her up in my arms.

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