Chapter 10

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Pacifica hit the breaks as soon as she heard the 'thump'. She bit her lip and turned off the golf cart and slowly hopped out of the cart.

"I hope whoever it is, isn't furious." Gideon mumbled, sinking lower into his seat. He was particularly happy with the fact that Pacifica had run over someone, he just hoped that it was someone that no one knew.

Pacifica held her breath and inched closer to where she assumed the unconscious body would be.

Please don't be dead, please don't be dead!

When Pacifica saw who it was, she almost fainted herself.


Mabel paced frantically, calling for her brother who she assumed was still inside Gleeful Manor. "Dipper!" She shouted, looking around the Manor, hoping he'd just be asleep on the couch or something. "Dipper!"

"W-why are y-you calling for Master D-Dipper?" William asked, peeking from his usual place in the kitchen. "I thought he came home today."

"He did, William." Mabel said, through gritted teeth. "He did."

"So then why must you call for him?" He asked, dropping the dish cloth.

"Because he isn't here!" Mabel shouted, making William flinch. "He left the house!"

"Why are you making a b-big deal out of this?" He whimpered.


For once, Mabel Gleeful could not think of a reason for the way she was acting. She realized that she was acting like Dipper's mother!

Why would I ever want to be that child's mother?!

But the more that Mabel thought of it, she realized that she always looked out for him, always tried to protect him. That's why she was happy when he chose not to be in a relationship with someone. Mabel didn't want want to see her brother's heart broken, that's all.

Mabel glanced up at William, and saw that he was right in front of her. "What do you want?"

"I-I figured t-that you were i-in need of a-a h-hug of some sort." William managed to say.

"......actually I wouldn't mind a hug right now." Mabel quietly admitted.




“Hugs Mean Love”

“Hugs Mean Love”

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