Chapter 16

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Pacifica quickly grabbed Dipper's arm and pulled him out of the way before the car made impact. The two teens bonked heads and fell to the ground, Pacifica falling on top of Dipper.

Gideon decided that it was the perfect time to run outside. "Pacifica?"

The car door opened and Mabel sprinted out. "Dipper!"

The other car door opened and William Cipher walked out, glancing at the three teens and one preteen.

Dipper looked at Pacifica and raised an eyebrow, "didn't think you'd fall for me that fast," he glanced around, "or on top of me."

Pacifica blushed intensely and tried to get off of Dipper before Gideon noticed.

"Paz, what the h-e-double sippy straw?!" Gideon exclaimed.

Way to go, Pacifica!

"Mason Alex Gleeful!" Mabel gasped, and Dipper grimaced. "What the freaking heck?"

"Mason?" Pacifica asked.

"Alex?" Gideon echoed.

"Really, Mabel?" Dipper frowned, and pushed Pacifica off of him. "Did you have to?"

"Yes, because you and that girl were getting physical!" Mabel shouted. "How rude."

"She fell on me, sis. She was feeling me up." Dipper explained, and Pacifica glared daggers at him.

"I was not!" She exclaimed. "You're gross."

"Don't call my brother gross, Southeast." Mabel threatened.

"Geez this is really strange." Gideon whispered to William. "Can we go?"

"I'm not sure." William whispered back. "I'll see, Mistress, can we go?"

"No!" Mabel frowned. "Dipper where have you been?"

"Here?" Dipper said, "why do you care?"


"Mabel please don't." Dipper sighed.

"I was worried that you had passed out again or stopped breathing!"

"Relax, I was only hit by a golf cart." He shrugged, nonchalantly.

"A golf cart?!" Mabel shrieked. "Who the heck hit you?"

"Blondie did." He said, standing up and dusting himself off before pointing to Pacifica.

"You have got to be kidding me." Mabel sighed. "You, stay away from my brother." She warned.

"Fine by me." Pacifica crossed her arms.

"You'll come looking for me, darling." Dipper waved bye at Pacifica before heading over to the car.

"I doubt it." Pacifica grumbled.




“Nevermore Awkward After We Collided”

“Nevermore Awkward After We Collided”

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