Chapter 26

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Day 36:

B E E P....B E E P....B E E P....B E E P..

"You awake?"

I think so...yeah.

"Oh...well...we can still talk!"

You sound disappointed, Kaori? What's wrong?

She sniffled. "The doctors are telling me that you're okay, but I'm not sure that I believe them."

I'm completely fine, Kaori, listen to your doctor's.

"But I know that you will be, I just have to wait. Oh! Pacifica was here for you yesterday, I hope you know."

Pacifica was here?

"She wanted to make sure that you were okay."

Did she say anything? Like has she fallen for me?

"I think she really cares for you."

Of course she does.

"I hope you'll be awake next time she comes to visit...she's scared for you, more scared than she likes to admit."

So she really does care for me....she'll be mad that I never told her how much time I had left.

"Please be awake Dipper, everyone's so scared for you, even Mabel is."

Was Mabel here?

"You've got so many people waiting and cheering for you. You can't not let them down, you've gotta wake up so they know that you won't go down without a fight. So, give the performance of your life with everything you've got, and don't stop until you know that you've done it to the best of your ability!"


Day 37:

Pacifica was once again heading over to the hospital, but this time she ran into an unexpected enemy. Mabel Gleeful. Pacifica tried to avoid Mabel's gaze, but Mabel found her easily. "You!" She growled and walked at lightning speed over to where Pacifica was. "Where do you think you're going?"

"For a walk, it's nice weather best not to waste it." Pacifica replied so easily.

"Well stay away from my brother. I know you've been there." Mabel practically snarled.

"Well of course I have but I can, you can't keep me away." Pacifica frowned. "What's wrong with you? What did I ever do to you?!"

There was a look of uneasiness on Mabel's face, but it was there and gone so fast it would have been like winning the lottery to see it. "Shut up, Southeast. Just because my brother fake likes you, doesn't mean I have to like you in any way." She stormed past and Pacifica felt upset that Mabel would accuse Dipper of not liking Pacifica at all.


Day 38:

Wake up

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