Chapter 25

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Day 32:

B E E P....B E E P....B E E P....B E E P..

Where am I? What's that noise? What...what happened?

Dipper strained to open his eyes but it felt like his eyelids were glued shut. Like they had heavy weights on them. Dipper felt his head throb.

What did happen? What can't I wake up? Where am I?

B E E P...B E E P...B E E P...B E E P..

Dipper felt exhausted, but he honestly didn't know why he felt this way. It could've been anything.

What happened yesterday...?

B E E P....B E E P....B E E P....B E E P..

Wake up...Wake up...Wake up...Wake up WAKE UP!

But he couldn't get himself to open his eyes.

Wake up...Wake up...Wake up!

Dipper finally opened his eyes slowly. He glanced around the room and realized that-

"This is not my room." He murmured stupidly.

He tried to sit up, but he felt like his body wouldn't obey him at all. He struggled, but he couldn't get himself to sit up. Sighing in defeat, he laid himself on the uncomfortable pillow and continued to wonder where he was.


Day 33:

"I don't care what Mabel said, Gideon, I'm going to see him." Pacifica threw on a sweatshirt and tossed on a pair of sneakers.

"Aren't you worried that she'll slap you again?" Gideon asked from where he sat on the couch. "I don't like that girl....She can scare me."

"You and me both, Gideon, but she can't push me away forever." Pacifica grabbed her house key in case she got locked out, "I'll be back later."

"Does this count as falling for Dipper?" Gideon asked before Pacifica closed the door.

But this time Pacifica didn't answer him. She didn't know how she felt about the brown haired mystery. He had over-complicated feelings towards her, Pacifica was sure of it, but Pacifica knew what his motives were.

As Pacifica edged closer to the hospital, she was nervous about how Dipper would react or that Mabel would have another freak out. Pacifica whispered to the secretary, about where Dipper was and explained that she was a friend of his. Pacifica quickly walked up the stairs to the second floor and walked to the room where Dipper was supposedly in. She knocked on the door and waited. "Come in," the voice called from in there.

Pacifica opened the door and saw Dipper laying in the hospital bed and another someone was at his side. But Pacifica was lucky that it wasn't Mabel. It was only that little girl Dipper had met and befriended. Kaori looked up and smiled. "I knew you would show!"

Dipper groaned and shifted and Kaori winced. "'ll have to be quiet, Pacifica, he's not awake."

"Was he awake before?" Pacifica hoped.

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