Chapter 23

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Day 21:

"Pacifica you never told me how your date went." Gideon said, and Pacifica looked up from the Journal that she might have to give up.

"It was fine." Pacifica sighed, "we didn't talk much, we just sort of let it all sink in."

"Let what sink in?" Gideon questioned.

"The fact that we can be a couple in silence?" Pacifica asked. "I don't know. But it was peaceful."

"Sounds kind of nice." Gideon rolled his eyes. "Paz you do you, and I'll be happy."

Pacifica laughed, "thanks Gideon, that's real sweet of you, but there isn't anything going on between me and Dipper."

"Oh come on Paz, you should see the way he looks at you." When Gideon said that, Pacifica instantly remembered a couple days earlier when she asked Dipper if he could hang out with her. His face looked happy but his eyes were dull and empty. And then on the first day, he said he still had time left. And the fact that he said he met his friend in the hospital, that was all a red flag, but maybe he just spent some time at the hospital because he actually knew the girl from before? "Uh....Paz?" Gideon asked waving a hand in front of Pacifica's face.

"What?!" Pacifica asked, jumping from her thoughts.

"So is there something going on between you and Dipper?" Gideon asked.

"Of course not." Pacifica sighed.


Day 22:

Dipper decided to spend his day in bed, because he felt exhausted with everything that was going on. He yawned and closed his eyes, thinking about what would happen.

So many days have passed, how much longer do I have? What will happen to me? Will I die peacefully, or will it hurt?

Dipper sighed and looked at his calender and saw that it was almost the end of July. In fact, it was July twenty second. He wondered what his sister was thinking, he knew that she would be devastated, but she never said it or showed it in front of him. Mabel always tried to be the strong one. But only Dipper could see through her tough exterior. Dipper sighed and laid back down thinking about what was to come. Dipper wondered if Pacifica enjoyed her time with him, he hoped that she did because he enjoyed it so much. And he finally closed his eyes.


Day 23:

Pacifica hummed to herself as she walked to the park, where she hoped she would either get some peace and quiet, or see Dipper. Pacifica hadn't fallen for Dipper, but she guessed that she wanted to see how things would work. The wind blowed and Pacifica looked around, realizing it was cold for July. She looked up and sighed. The sun was still shining, but it felt more like fall than summer. She walked over to the park and realized that Dipper wasn't here. "Huh, odd." She walked around the park and continued to hum to herself, wondering where Dipper could be.

"Hey Paz,"

Pacifica looked up, but it was only Gideon. "Oh," she said, sounding a little disappointed, "hey Gideon."

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