Chapter 22

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Day 11:

Pacifica was thinking while clutching the Journal. Had she really fallen for Dipper? She shook her head and thought that it was impossible. The only time she had ever seemed to like him, was when they weren't saying anything, and they were watching the sunset on the Mystery Shack roof.

"Paz? You up here?" Gideon climbed into the roof and saw his cousin sitting on the edge. "Hey, whatcha thinking about?"

Pacifica sighed and shrugged, "just a deal I made-"

Gideon's eyes went wide in an instant, "Pacifica! Why'd you make a deal with someone in Reverse Falls! Everyone knows that you do not make a deal with someone who lives in Reverse Falls."

"Well I guess I didn't know." Pacifica frowned. "Why is it so bad?"

"Because the people of this town are tricksters." Gideon explained in a whisper. "My dad lost money to one of those tricksters."

"Relax, it wasn't a trickster, it was only Dipper Gleeful." Pacifica explained, thinking nothing of it.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Gideon exclaimed, "you made a deal with Dipper?"

"It was a stupid deal, and I can trick him." Pacifica rolled her eyes.

"What was the deal?" Gideon asked, wide eyed.

"Nothing important." She said, "really, it wasn't."

"Okay...." Gideon said, but he didn't sound sure of himself.


Day 12:

Dipper Gleeful is usually found sitting in the sitting room sipping tea, but today he was in the family library. Dipper continued to search for the book that he had read as a child, but it wasn't around. He quickly went to the medical section of his family library and skimmed through the book titles to see why he was going to die.

"What are you looking for?" Mabel asked setting Dipper's tea down on a nearby table.

"Just something medical." He replied quietly. "For-"

"For you?" She inquired.

"No, not entirely." He lied, "but enough said. I would like to be left alone."

Mabel felt something she hadn't felt in a long time, the feeling was almost new to her. As she walked out of the library, she knew what it was.

It was hurt.

Dipper quickly found the book and looked through it, feeling unsettling. When he found what was wrong with him, he closed his eyes for a minute.

He was dying, of heart failure.


Day 13:

Pacifica realized that it had been awhile since she saw Dipper. The last she saw him he was sitting next to her, in silence. Silence was strange for Dipper, especially when Pacifica usually saw him, he couldn't stop talking. "Odd." Pacifica murmured, as she looked through the Journal at the kitchen table. She looked at the clock and heaved a sigh. If she just went to see him, it wouldn't count as falling for him, would it? She decided to take her dilemma to Robbie who dated many women, sure he would know what Pacifica asked.

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