Chapter 2

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"Where to sit...." Pacifica murmured. She glanced around the Tent of Telepathy wondering why the thing was packed with people. The show didn't seem that interesting to her, so she wondered. "Maybe I should've listened to Gideon, and not have gone." She murmured, finally sitting in a chair close to stage.

This doesn't look so bad-

"Welcome one and all, to the Tent of Telepathy!" A voice cried, making Pacifica look up instantly. There was a brunette girl on stage that couldn't have been much older than Pacifica herself.

The girl, who looked like she was in high school because of all the makeup on her face, and not to mention the outfit she was wearing. It looked way to revealing. "I am the one and only, Mabel Gleeful, here to perform for your entertainment, along with my dearest brother-"

Pacifica noticed that Mabel was interrupted by girls squealing with delight. Was her brother that hot?

Mabel frowned slightly at the fact that they were more excited about her brother and not her, but she didn't look too surprised. "As I was saying," she continued, "my brother and I have been performing for years."

Years? Now that really made Pacifica think. How old must they have been when they first started performing.

"We enjoy watching the terror on your face." She said, grinning widely, like a Cheshire cat. "As we perform our tricks."


"Now without further ado, my brother, Dipper Gleeful!" She stepped aside as a plume of smoke appeared in the center of the stage. A boy that looked exactly like Mabel materialized where the smoke had been. His hair was messy, but had some order to it.

"As my sister has said, welcome to the Tent of Telepathy," Dipper's voice echoed throughout the tent making girls squeal like he was the best thing since Starbucks. "I hope you have all prepared for what you might see here."

What we might see here?

"Tonight's show will commence in five,"

The lights flickered out.


Shadows appeared along the walls.


Whispers were heard.


The crowd went silent.






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