Chapter 11

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"Is he dead, or what?"

Pacifica paled as Gideon asked her that question. She knew he was breathing, but he wasn't....awake.

Pacifica and Gideon had hauled Dipper's unconscious body onto the golf cart and drove him to the Mystery Shack where they hoped he would wake up.

So far, he hadn't woken up. Pacifica began to worry, "Gideon, what'll happen when he wakes up?"

Gideon shrugged. "I don't know, hopefully he won't be-"

Before Gideon finished his sentence, Dipper Gleeful stirred.

Pacifica frowned at Gideon before trying to wake Dipper up. "Um, excuse me? Dipper...?"

"Really, Paz?" Gideon rolled his eyes. " 'excuse me'? You've gotta be kidding."

"Hey! I don't see you trying anything!" Pacifica shot back, glaring at her cousin.

"I didn't hit him with a golf cart!" Gideon fired back.

"I was trying to save us from the gnome monster!" Pacifica scoffed. "I didn't see you doing anything!"

"The gnome monster was your fault, you went to find it because of the Journal!"

"Oh, so it's the Journal's fault?!"

"I don't blame the Journal, Paz!"

As the two cousins were bickering, they didn't notice when Dipper sat up, looking a lot confused. When he realized he was in the Mystery Shack, he recoiled. "What the heck am I doing here?!"


"William?" Mabel asked, from her place at the coffee table. "Have you found where my brother?"

The blue haired demon nodded slowly. "Huh, it turns out your brother is at the Mystery Shack."

"Why would he be at the Mystery Shack?" Mabel wrinkled her nose. "I honestly don't know why he'd want to waste his time and see that place."

"Maybe he wanted to apologize for being so rude to Gideon? I mean, he's must of realized that he needed to make amends." William said.

But it made Mabel furious. "Who the heck told you he was dying?!"


"Don't play dumb with me, Cipher!" Mabel shrieked. "You must have read mine or my brother's mind and found out that he only had two months left to live!" She was livid, she hated when Dipper read her mind, but she was more furious when her butler read her mind.

"M-master D-Dipper is d-d-dying?" William gasped, and Mabel realized that the type of surprise William had in his voice was pure surprise.

He didn't know.




“Ignorance Is Bliss”

“Ignorance Is Bliss”

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