Chapter 18

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"Paz I don't think this is a good idea." Gideon whispered, as the two headed to the Gleeful Manor.

"I can prove that the amulet he has makes him a psychic." Pacifica murmured. "I just have to get there."

Ten minutes later, the cousins were perched on the doorsteps of the Gleeful Manor, anxiously awaiting for someone to answer the door. Gideon was just about ready to leave, when the door opened. It was the man who had arrived with Mabel an hour ago. "Yes?" He asked.

"Hi, we're here to see...." Gideon glanced at Pacifica. "Here to see Dipper."

"You're the two kids from before." The man with blue hair said. "I'll let him know you're here." He beckoned them inside to sit in the living room, while he went to find his master.


"I don't see why they're here." Mabel said, looking up at Will. "I don't think my brother wants to see them."

William nodded slowly. "Alright, mistress."

"Geez Mabel, you're acting like I'm weak and frail." Dipper rolled his eyes from where he sat in the corner. "I'll go see them." He got up and started to head downstairs.

When he got down there, he instantly smirked. "Well I knew you'd come looking for me." He said when he saw Pacifica sitting there.

"In your nightmares, Gleeful." She scoffed, crossing her arms. "I just came by to ask a simple question."

"Shoot." He said, leaning against the wall.

"How are you a psychic?"






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