Chapter 30 || Almost a mistake.

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The next week spent with Michael felt like our last all over again but a strange feeling told me it wasn't. I watched as all four boys waved goodbye again and got ready to enter there bus, making sure to give Michael the longest hug I've ever given him.

"You'll remember to call?" I asked.

"Babe," he chuckled. "don't worry."

I gave him a small kiss on the cheek and sent him onto the bus with the other boys. I had a weird sour sensation in my stomach all day and it finally decided to make me ill when I arrived home. I collapsed besides the toilet and put my head in my knees.

"Ughhhhh." I moaned heading to bed immediately afterwords skipping dinner and not bothering to do the work I missed at school earlier that day. When I awoke the next day the feeling was back again and there I sat plotted in my bathroom whining in pain. This recurred for a few days until the weekend I decided that something other than sickness had to be wrong. I hadn't been thinking all that clear and wasn't paying attention to any track of time until I checked my calendar.

Was I late? That wouldn't make any sense it couldn't. I began to panic myself trying to think of how this could of happened? Or if it even happened?
Michael never used a condom when he was here, but I still felt it was too soon. I decided it was best to tell my mother I thought I was pregnant but it still seemed impossible. Was I so stupid? How did I let that even happen?

"Hey jordi?" I stuttered a little. "do you know where mum is?"

"She's outside Chelsea, is something the matter?" He questioned.

I began to cry as I sat on the ground.

"I don't know." I muffled through my tears.

"Michael?" He asked.

"no I need mum." I cried.

"Okay," He said. "Chris! Chelsea needs you."

"Yes?" My mother said about a minuet later as she entered the kitchen.

I didn't look up because I couldn't bare to even speak of the possibility to her. My stepdad frantically left the room leaving us alone.

"What do you want?" My mother said somewhat annoyed, as if I was making a big deal out of something I didn't know.

"I-I-I" I stuttered." Well I think I might b-be-"

She interrupted me.

"What Chelsea? Just tell me." She sighed.

"I think I'm pregnant?" I gulped down the lump in my throat.

Her eyes widened greatly, and she laughed a little.

"You can't be Chelsea, y-you just you can't be." she tried to convince herself. "How do you know?"

"Well I don't, I'm just assuming." I said as I kicked my feet around on the floor.

She just looked at me, as if disappointed.

"I should have never let you have that much freedom this past summer, it's all my fault." she sighed heavily.

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