Chapter 24 || Im coming home.

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I sighed as I got back into the car and rested my head back on the chair.

"It'll be okay," Ashton smiled sternly as he patted my shoulder." She needed to go back."

I nodded slightly.

I felt so selfish for not wanting her to go, she's been with us and me and she hasn't even seen her own family in a while. I guess when you love someone it doesn't just go away and you can't just put it on hold.

"I was thinking.." I started.

"Hmm?" Ashton asked as he looked around to see if Luke and Calum were heading back from the bathrooms yet.

"I think I should plan a surprise trip to go see her," I suggested." We could go to the us a little earlier and we could see her.."

"Won't she be in school?" He questioned." I mean the tour starts in like the middle of September and I think she said she starts school in the beginning?"

"We could still go though.." I said as Calum and Luke returned to the car.

"What?" Calum asked out of confusion.

"I need to see Chelsea again."



I slept for most of the plane ride not really wanting to be awake and thinking about everything. I shivered at how alone I still felt. I wasn't really sure who was picking me up but I was only hoping my little brother wouldn't be there because I had a pounding headache and I didn't want to be in a car for 3 hours with him.

When the plane landed and everyone filed off I looked around to see if I could find any familiar faces and only found one.

"Jordi!" I yelled as I sprinted over to my stepdad and hugged him.

"Aye Fournier," he said back and I cringed at the name because I didn't really like my last name, I always went by my middle name. "How was it?"

"How was what?"

"Your summer, performing and such."

" it's was okay."

He shook his head with a grin planted on his face.

"We better get going, Chandler has hockey camp this week."

"Hockey camp? It's summer?" I questioned.

"The program at Clarkson he signed up for?." he said as we walked out into the parking lot.

"But I just got back.." I sighed." In fact I'm not even technically back yet."

"I have to help coach, I have to take him."

"Whatever." I hissed as I got into his truck.

The ride home was silent and awkward, I couldn't help but think about Michael and I craved his touch more than I ever have. I felt so jet lagged because of the time change and just everything. When we finally arrived at home it was almost 7, I got out and immediately ran inside to find the rest of my family.

"Stella!" I yelled as my dog came running.

I crashed to the ground and hugged her.

"Where's mum and Chandler?" I asked as I looked around, as my stepdad came in.

"They're down at the river."

"guess who's home!" I yelled as I burst out the back door and sprinted to the water.

"Chelsea!!" My 13 year old brother said as he ran over and hugged me.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Hey honey." my mum said from where she was.

"Hey mum." I waved as I walked back up to the house.

"I'll be down stairs jordi." I said as I picked up my bag and headed down the stairs to my room.

I got most of my stuff unpack when I found a folded piece of paper that I didn't remember having in there and opened it.


Dear Chelsea,

I'm sorry. I'm sorry and I'm sad and I'm a mess of emotions but I'm okay, I'm okay because I have you- or had you I guess. I don't know or want to know what happened with Calum tonight. I hope nothing, but here I am writing this.

Things haven't been the best and when I say that I mean they've been terrible, and it's the kind of terrible that leaves your chest weak and body numb.

When you told me you didn't love me is it bad that I understood? That I resonated with your words and stored them into my memory like an old record, playing and playing them over and over. Because I don't love myself either chels, and I understand and I'm sad and I'm okay. I'm okay and I'm in love with you.

You say you don't believe in perfection but that doesn't make SENCE to me, because EVERYTIME I look at you all I see is your beauty and stars and bright colors and it is perfect- you are perfect. The fact that you can't see how perfect you are makes me so angry because society taught you to ignore it. To ignore it and ignore me and to ignore anyone who tells you differently because it feeds off of your insecurities and uses you for money. And I hate it. You don't need to be skinny and you don't need to wear makeup just to feel beautiful. You are beautiful.

I didn't really want to make this into a love letter but I guess that's how it turned out, and I am happy and I am sad and I am everything in-between but I know with you Chelsea I am anything but negative, because how could someone be negative in the company of someone so loved?

And I know you won't wait for me. I know you won't wait for me and I don't want you too because you need to live and love and learn, but don't doubt that I won't find you when I'm back. I will find you and I will fight for you and if you are happier with another, I will wait for you.

But don't doubt that I won't remember you.

This is not goodbye, Chelsea, because goodbye insinuates that we will never see each other again, and I promise that I will never leave you, even if we live on different sides of the world and are old and droopy. I will never leave you, for you have my heart.

Love, Michael.

I was crying while reading most of the letter and finally gave into a laugh at the end.

I loved that idiot more than anyone would know.


Hey guys!


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