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Maya's POV
She's okay, she has to be, she's Riley Mathews. She is alive. I can feel it. Stay hopeful Maya. Good things come when you're hopeful.
I keep saying this to myself as I walk into school. I never ever walk in alone, I'm not ever alone.
Sometimes i pretend that Rileys away on vacation with out me. Then I quickly remember, she's not on vacation. Someone took her, and I don't know if she's safe or not. This "hope" that she's okay, comes and goes.
I walk into history class and I'm thinking about how I used to love that class, but now it just reminds me of what isn't. Riley isn't here, and most of the time, Mr. Mathews wasn't either. I sit down and there's no one sitting in front of me. Mr. Mathews walks in. He walks to the board and writes something down. Hope.
Mr. Mathews - Good morning
Zay - Is it?
Mr. Mathews - I'd say.
Zay - How so?
He points to the board.
Zay - Hope is for suckers
Mr. Mathews - Someone we all know very well used to say that all of the time
Everyone looks at me. I smile a little
Mr. Mathews - Ms. Hart, do you still believe in hope?
Maya - Depends.
Mr. Mathews - on what?
Maya - If Rileys okay.
Lucas - She's fine.
Maya - We don't know that.
Lucas - She HAS to be fine.
Mr. Mathews - Mr. Friar, do you have hope?
Lucas - I do.
Mr. Mathews - Why?
Lucas - Someone very special to me, taught us that believing in hope, is good. We should trust hope
Maya - What if our trust is broken by hope
Farkle - How?
Maya - what if we trust in hope. They find Riley but, What if Rileys dead.
That shuts everyone up. It even shut me up. I can't believe I said that out loud, I can't believe I was even thinking that.
Mr. Mathews - I want everyone to trust hope for a whole day.
Smackle - What do you mean?
Mr. Mathews - What's one thing you want more than anything.
Zay - For Riley to come home.
Mr. Mathews - Then for a whole day I want you to believe that Riley IS going to come home.
Believe that Riley is coming home. She is. She has to. She's Riley Mathews. She's the glue to all of us. She's the reason why we are all the people that we are today. She IS okay.

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