Catherine Obvious

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Maya - Do we have to go.
Riley - Maya its my first day back, I can't miss anymore school, they'd have to put me in summer school.
Maya - Who cares just go to summer school
Riley - Fine. I'll go to summer school and we won't go to Ireland.
That made her leave the house quick. We get to school and see the guys and Smackle. We tell them what happened last night.
Farkle - Are you insane?
Lucas - Why would you put yourself in danger like that? Why would you go alone?
This went on and on for what seemed like hours. They wouldn't let me talk. I felt like I was being yelled at by my parents
Smackle - What were you thinking?
Riley - that's the thing. I WAS thinking. That's the only thing that I ever think about. I don't know. One minute I was laying in bed and then out of no where I found myself at the park.
Lucas - You should have called me. You can't be doing stuff like that Riley
Riley - I am tired. I'm exhausted all of the time Lucas. I don't want be a sitting duck waiting for something to happen. I wanna go back to me, I want me back, I want to be able to go outside and not be afraid that someone will take me. I want to be able to sleep at night, peacefully. I want to be able to go on dates with you but I can't because I'm not myself right now.
I feel the tears coming down, but I quickly stopped them. I didn't want people talking about how I was crying on the first day back from being kid napped. I pull myself together and look at my friends. I wasn't crying, but they sure were. Great Riles, you made your friends cry and it's not even noon yet.
Maya - I didn't know you felt that way.
Farkle - We have to do something.
Zay - Thank you Catherine Obvious
Smackle - What?
We all start laughing. It wasn't a fake laugh, it was our real laughs that we used to do all of the time.
Zay - I said thank you Catherine Obvious
Lucas - Did he say CATHERINE?
Riley - It's CAPTAIN obvious Zay.
Zay - What?
Maya - The expression is, Thank you Captain Obvious
Zay - It's not Catherine?
Riley - No
The bell rings.
Farkle - Okay, after school, were all going to go back to the park and find this underground room.
Cory - Children, class is starting
We all head to our seats. My dad is our home room AND history teacher. It's okay, I like having him as my teacher. We're minutes into class when our Principal walks in.
Principal- Mr. Mathews, we need you out here for a minute, with Ms. Mathews.
Be good. My dad says to the class
We step outside while principal took over the class. There's a cop, and mom.
Cory - Honey, What is it?
Topanga - We found something
Officer - Riley, we found a body.
A body?
Officer - We looked into this case and yours and, your description of the man you claimed to have shot, looks a lot like the body we found
Riley - Joe?
Officer - His name is Joseph Maten
Riley - Where?
Officer - On the side of a street in Manhattan
Topanga - There's something else.
Officer - When we find a body, we do autopsies to have a better understand about what went on inside the body. We found that it wasn't a gun that killed him.
Cory - What killed him?
Officer - His throat was slit.
Riley - But, I remember specifically shooting him twice. One on his arm and one in his head. How. I shot him. Mom I shot him!
Topanga - You did, but you didn't kill him.
Riley - But I remember shooting him in the head.
Officer - I'm thinking because you were not getting enough nutrients, sleep, water, you were very delusional.
Riley - But I..
Officer - With that being said, because you can't really remember anything, we're going to have to bring you back into the station
Riley - For what?
Topanga - A new statement. About everything
But I. I could have sworn that I shot him in the head. Was I really just imagining it? Now I'm starting to question everything. All I can think of is Fuck me.

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