Any Ideas?

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It's the next day. Maya and Smackle walk into Mr. Mathews classroom. Zay, Farkle, and Lucas were already there.
Mr. Mathews - Zay. Tell me about your experience with hope.
Zay - I found myself drifting off a lot. I would have hope one second, then the next I wouldn't.
Mr. Mathews - anyone else?
Everyone raises their hand
Mr. Mathews - What happened at the end of the day? What came to mind when you thought of hope?
Zay - Riley
Mr. Mathews - What about her?
Maya - I believe she's alive and okay.
Mr. Mathews - do you still believe that?
Maya - I do.
Mr. Mathews - Zay? Lucas? Farkle, Smackle? What about you guys?
Farkle - I always believed Riley was okay.
Smackle - I do
Zay - I do
Lucas - Always.
Maya - What about you Mr. Mathews?
Zay - Yeah. What do you think?
Mr. Mathews - I never lost my hope, I will always trust in her, because she's my daughter. Because she is Riley Mathews.
The bells rings. Lunch time. The gang heads outside to eat their lunch.
Smackle - Have you two girls sorted out your differences and apologized to each other yet?
Zay - Nope, I didn't do anything wrong.
Lucas - Whatever
Farkle - It's the weekend. What are we going to be doing?
Smackle - There's nothing to do.
Maya - All we've been doing is sitting around and waiting.
Zay - There's nothing else to do. I don't feel like it's right to go out and do things without her
Farkle - Well we can't just wait forever. We have to do something.
Lucas - Nothing feels right.
Farkle - What about a good old fashioned sleepover at my house?
Zay - We have those every day.
Farkle - Okay then you come up with something to do.
Zay - I live in New York and I have never seen the Statue of Liberty.
Maya - Look it up on google
Zay - Haha. Very funny. I already did. She's beautiful
Farkle - Lucas, any ideas?
Lucas - I'm going to do charity work this weekend.
Maya - Since when do you do that?
Lucas - Since Riley left.
Smackle - it's the only thing that keeps you close to her isn't it?
Lucas shakes his head yes
Farkle - Why don't we all do that.
They all smile to themselves as they honk about Riley. As they think about how all she wanted to do was make people happy, and help them in anyway. They all agree.

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