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"Riley. Riley please wake up honey. Riley it's your dad. Don't leave us now, please. I love you". Those were the last words I heard before it all went dark.
You know when you wake up from a long sleep, you try to remember your dreams. I always have dreams. I woke up and I tried to recall what I dreamt, but all I remember is it being pitch black dark. I look around and I see my dad. He's sleeping on a chair beside me. I'm in a hospital. I look out the window, It's night. All I want is to be held by my daddy but he looks so peaceful sleeping, I don't want to wake him. I have an IV stuck to my hand. I hate those the most, the hand always hurts more than a vain on your arm. I take the iv off and quietly leave the room. Everything hurt. I see a nurse.
Riley - Can you call in the police?
Nurse - They're already here
She points to the direction of an exit. One police officer and a man with a suit on. I make my way towards them.
Riley - Can I tell you everything?
Officer - Don't you want your parents with you?
Riley - The last thing I want is for my parents to hear what happened in the last four months.
I beg them to take me to the police station. For some reason I didn't want to be in a hospital right now. I didn't want them to wake up my parents so they can head over there to. So I begged them to not call them. They put me in a room with a chair and table. I'm so dehydrated. Those shows like criminal minds, where they questions killers, are so unrealistic because, Where the hell is my water? The man with the suit that I saw at the hospital came in. He wasn't wearing a sit anymore, he was wearing some black jeans and a long sleeve.
Man - my name is Detective Jones. I've been following up on your case since you went missing.
Riley - You guys did a great job (sarcastically)
I didn't realize I said that out loud until I looked up and saw his face. He looked very offended.
Jones - Can you tell me what happened? From the start?
Riley - Everything?
Jones - Everything

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