Theres No Way

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Riley - You are crazy. How could we possibly do that?
Maya - Well, we have two geniuses, two good looking me, and two young women who are determined.
Riley - Maya, there is no way that we can do this.
Maya - So were supposed to wait. Wait for what? Answers that we already know. We know Mark was behind this.
Riley - We don't know that
Maya - We do. And we are going to prove it! Come on let's go
Riley - Where are we going
I say as she's pulling my arm
Maya - Farkles. We're going to figure this out Riles.
She pulled me all the way there. Literally. Apparently Maya texted Lucas, Smackle, and Zay to be there already. This girl is something else. Maya tells them what she wants to do. It's quiet afterwards.
Riley - It's crazy right? There's no way.
Zay - But we seem to be he only ones who care about this Riley.
Riley - But HOW is the question. We're teenagers. We're ignorant teens.
Farkle - Maybe so, but we are pretty smart. Adults can be clueless sometimes, even more so than us.
Riley - again guys, HOW?
Lucas - Remember when you walked past the park and you remembered things that you didn't before?
Riley - Yes?
Lucas - Why don't we retrace your steps. Maybe we can find the location they you were in.
Farkle - that's actually a good idea.
Smackle - When you go back to places, your memory comes back.
Maya - Good job huckleberry. Didn't know you had it in you
Lucas - Thanks?
Everyone's making plans and all I can think about is what? You want me to re trace my steps. You want me to go back to remember things that I don't want to remember? You want me to go back to the place that was the worse time of my life? All of a sudden I just say "no" out loud. Everyone looks at me.
Riley - No
Maya - Riley. We can find him and find evidence.
Riley - I am not going back to the place that ruined me. I don't want to remember Maya. 
I walk out. At this point I don't know if I feel angry or sad or if I feel anything at all. I want to cry but nothing comes out. I sit outside of Farkles house, because let's face it I'll eventually go back in and apologize for my behavior.
Lucas - Hey
Riley - What's the point? We're not going to find anything even I remember things. Even if we find the building, they're going to be long gone. There's just no point.
Lucas - More
Riley - More?
Lucas - There's a lot more of thought in that pretty little head of yours, tell me.
He was right. There was so much going on in my head it gave me migraines sometimes, not to mention the fact that I hardly sleep because of it.
Riley - Remember when everyone found out what Mark had done to me.
Lucas - how can I forget..
Riley - Remember. They didn't arrest him because he was a wealthy "good" person. He raped me and he's a "good" person.
Lucas - You're scared that if we do find something, he's not going to go to prison.
I nod my head yes
Lucas - Then we'll do everything in our power to make sure that doesn't happen
Riley - We can't. It's all.. it's all hopeless
The look on Lucas's face when I said hopeless. I'll never forget it
Lucas - You're hopeless?
Riley - How are you not?
Maya, Farkle, Zay, and Smackle come up from behind us.
Maya - Because even in a world with horrible people
Zay - There are good people too
Farkle - People who won't let Mark get away with this
Smackle - People who will make sure he goes to prison
Maya - We have hope.
Lucas - A girl name Riley Mathews taught us to never give up on hope.
Remember when I said that I wanted to cry but nothing came out? Well after that, it was like a freaking waterfall falling out of my eyes.
Riley - What if we don't find anything?
Zay - Then we will keep on looking until we do
I agree to this plan. Maybe if we do find something, everything will go back to the way it was.. maybe I can be me again..

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