Chapter 9

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"Zeke" Dad almost chokes. I remember him from my childhood but still have no idea who he actually is.

"Zeke, Where is Tris?DID THEY GET TRIS? Is she okay? please tell me she is okay? has anything happened to her?" Something isn't being said here I could tell dad was keeping something from me. "She is okay calm down Bro." another guy stumbles in "Uriah" Dad hugs him hard "when did he wake up" what are they no about? "about last week he got let out yesterday and we found out you had been taken for two and a half weeks, we were worried so came to find you. God you've grown madster" Oh no he didn't. I hate that nickname so much. "What!?! how long was I out?" I ask concerned. "Two weeks hun, I was scarred shitlless as I thought maybe you wouldn't wake" He gets up and Hugs me. He gives me a quick kiss on the forehead. The other guy... Uriah I think his name was looks confused. "who is this, Don't forget I have been out for about 4 almost 5 years?" I glance at Zeke "how did you manage that?" Uriah gets angry that no one has answered him and repeat's his question. "who is this?!?" Dad comes over to me and protectively puts his arm over me. Uriah stares from the arm to Dad. I can see they are trying to annoy Uriah and I laugh. "This believe it or not is my daughter Maddi!" Uriah looks shocked. "now guys as much as I would like to stay and chat" I feel myself falling. "Maddi are you alright" I nod but start to cough, Without warning dad picks me up and runs screaming "meet me at the dauntless hospital guys" He jumps onto the train and within five minutes we are there.

He runs once more and gets me to the hospital. I have blood dripping down my arm whilst dad has blood falling all down his back. Dad puts me down and I begin to walk up the stairs. Finally. We arrive to see a worried mum. she runs up to me griping me tightly into a hug. Dad walks in and her face completely lights up "I have been worried sick" I laugh appropriate as we are in a hospital. I find my old room here completely how we left it I climb into the bed and I am a gonna. I fall asleep as soon as my head touches the pillow. I wake up to a yet again worried dad. I see Zeke, Uriah and Mum smile. "what" I ask the nurse who just walked in. "nothing, we need to take you to have a ct scan" Crap "WHAT!?! DAD. NO. I'M NOT DOING IT" everyones faces looks confused Dad explains how I have two fears from each of my parents that being one of them. I hate small spaces. I won't do it. "babe please you have to, you never know you might become three that would really annoy your dad" I smile. "Fine" I see my dad laughing "what?" I smiles "I haven't told anyone yet but I am no longer four" WHAT? THREE FEARS NEW RECORD. "I'm one" I jaw drops. one. what. how. "My only fear is losing you three" Three? oh that explains mums weight "sorry did I just drop that bombshell I thought you told her" He laughs. "aw boy or a girl?" Mum smiles "boy" I smile back and hug her.

Divergent fanfic - four& tris' daughter- MadeleineWhere stories live. Discover now