Choosing day-
My name is drawing ever closer and the butterflies in my stomach are getting worse.
"Madeleine Eaton" I look over at mum and dad: dad tensed up at the mention of my name and is now glaring at the guy that said it, whilst mum is trying to calm him down- come to think of it he does look familiar. The guy just stares at me "are your mother and father Tris and Tobias?" oh god who is he knows dads name- dad is getting angrier every time this guy opens his mouth. "Yes why, who wants to know?" I say as I'm nearing him "th-that would make me your granddad" No. What. "You're no relative of mine you didn't know I existed before now!"
I grab the knife out of the old man's hands and swipe the blade across my palm I hold my hand out in front of the coals- I'm dauntless. I see my parents both have smiles held high on their faces.
The dauntless run, I see the train and jump as I know that's what we do on a daily bases, I outstretch my hand to an initiate girl who I actually now wish I didn't because she is so stuck up.
The other initiate next to me says he doesn't want to jump so I grab his hand and pull, we both land safely "Thank You" he says gratefully, I look at his clothes and realize he was from abnegation, I guess the two aren't that different.
I hear Eric's speech- God I hate him so much one day I will kill him, he keeps taunting, he slips in one last comment about me so I jump first to piss him off ... it worked. Oh no I'm falling I hate heights... few I land onto a net thank goodness, I grab an outstretched hand and look up to see who it is, it's my dad he smiles and gives me a hug as does my mother. She turns round and states quite loudly "first jumper- Maddi Eaton!"
"Dauntless borns since you don't need a tour of the place you will be practising knife throwing" the others look so scarred of my dad it is hilarious because he is so sweet in real life. The boys keep eyeing up my mother it is making me uncomfortable.
"walk on to the training room follow Four" Mum then signals for me to fall behind.
"Maddi, you need to call us four and six during training because we don't want people thinking you being best is a result of favoritism not tallent, on visiting day please meet us in our thinking place right next to the chasm okay hunny?" i think about it then agree because it is true.
"everyone grab four knifes and go to a target, guess you figure out where to go from there guys" mum and dad both laugh.
I grab four diffrent syled knifes and throw then each one landing in the bullseye, I wish it was the same for everyone else in this training.