Chapter 33

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I sprint into the hospital and run up the stairs. I walk up to the reception and slam my palms on the desk.

"Where are Charlie Lancaster, Alec and Mark York?" I ask in frustration on the verge of tears.

"6 floor, ask the receptionist there!" Says the nurse. I nod and sprint for the stairs.

I burst through the door and spot Charlie in a room with stitches all down the side of his face along with a cast on his right hand. I run into his room and give him a kiss.

"I am sorry Charlie!" I say crying. He is unconscious so I leave the room quietly. I find Alec within seconds.

I run into his room and pull him into a hug since he is awake. Alec has a cast on his right leg and right wrist as well as small cuts on his face from the window-screen shattering.

"Are you okay?" I ask frantically.

He nods sternly. "Are the others okay?" He demands.

"Charlie is fine but I can't find Mark!" I say voice getting higher at the end of the sentence.

Alec jumps up and takes my hand leading me to the reception.

"Where is our brother Mark?" He shouts at the receptionist.

"In A&E downstairs in the emergency department Prepare yourselfs it is bad, according to our systems his heart keeps failing." She says sorrily.

Before she can say anymore me and Alec are running down the stairs.

He holds open the door for me and we run to the nurses station. "We are looking for our brother Mark, is he here?" Alec asks trying to calm down.

"Follow me!" A man replies.

We walk through the hallway and turn into his room. The doctor leaves and we both begin to cry.

We are both silent when we see his injuries. He is completely battered and has a weirdly angled leg with some sort of support thing over his knee and a cast on his other ankle. Cuts everywhere. A broken right wrist, a broken left arm in three places and he is covered in drying blood.

"Mark please wake up! Please I am begging you!" I say loudly. Alec stands there in fear and shock.

I sit him down and tell him it is not anyone's fault. "It was my fault I drove the car!" Alec says panicking.

"I was my fault for not telling you guys!" I reply.

My phone starts to bleep. I look at the screen and decline the call as much as it pains me to do it. I slip it into my pocket. "I guess Charlie has awoken!" I say with no emotion in my voice.

I squeeze Marks hand tightly. "Please wake up" I beg through tears.

I start to shake and take some pills out from my bag. I dry swallow two and turn to face Alec.

He wipes his face and pulls out his phone. "We have to tell Mum and Dad about Mark" He says crying silently.

I nod my head and he makes the call outside the room.

When he walks back in he looks dredfull. "Do they know about you?" He asks fresh tears forming in his eyes. I shake my head.

"Don't tell them, please!" I say giving him a hug.

"I won't!" He says hugging me back.

I hear Mum and Dad shouting along the corridoor and meet them.

I lead them to see Mark.

My phone starts to bleep again. I look at it - Charlie. I decline and wipe my face.

I hear a knock at the door and look up it is Charlie.

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