I wake up to Noah asleep holding my hand. I look around. I am in a hospital bed. I try hard to move my legs but nothing happens. I silently cry I can't be dauntless like this.
About an hour later Noah wakes up. "Mads, I love you no matter what babe. Don't ever think otherwise" he kisses my forehead. Dad bursts in swiftly followed by Mum. Dad kisses my cheek and gives me a hug. Mum does the same. I smile. "Are you okay Mads?" I nod my head. "Can I have a word with Mads on my own please?" dad asks. I smile. Mum and Noah walk out I see Mum and Noah are both crying silently. Mum pulls him into a hug. "okay" he says. I'm confused. "What is bothering you? don't hide it because you are too like me when you lie only Noah and your Mum can't tell when we lie" I laugh then come to an abrupt halt. "I can't be dauntless In a chair can I? He looks concerned then smiles "Yes you can remember how Tris and Me became dauntless leaders that means we will make sure you can stay and I promise we will keep you safe baby" I smile and he hugs me "Thanks dad. Don't tell Mum or Noah, Make something up!" He laughs "I have something for you." He opens the door and wheels in the coolest wheelchair ever, It is black and Has Golden flames engulfing it. "Omg that is really cool. Thank you." He picks me up and puts me into it "New initiates today we best be off" I laugh "Okay, But I am wheeling this myself and you can't push me, I don't want to look weak. I can still shoot and aim so be careful" I laugh. He leads me out of the room and we head down to the training room. I see Mum and Noah leave to the net. "we get the initiates this year, they are going to lead them around then lead them here so we can teach them how to aim a gun first" Few "Thank god." he hands me a gun. I aim up to the target. "see who can get it closer to the centre" I laugh. exhale
It hits the centre of the target and I see dads hit the centre of his target. I laugh "well I guess we better try knifes by the way I am demonstrating the guns" I nods and passes me a knife. I aim. I keep my eyes focused on the centre target. I throw it. I see that two has hit the centre I try with three more and they all hit. I laugh "well, I guess the chair hasn't changed my aim" He smiles and we wait.
A moment later Mum and Noah arrive. I see every pair of eyes land on me. "right I guess you have had the tour I am One this is four. And well you know six and five. Any questions?" I smile. HOW DID HE GET ONE? I have been asking myself for years. "yes how can you be dauntless in a chair?" I look harshly at the Erudite who said that. "BRAVERY" Dad shouts and gives me a smile. Noah and Mum walk over. Noah walks over to me and gives me a kiss. "why are your names numbers?" A candor asks. No surprise they asks every year. "you will find that out later on if you pass stage one candor" I smirk. "How are you going to teach us in a chair?" the same Erudite says and laughs. I will not get on with him I can sense it. "It was an act of true bravery with got her in the chair. An act of courage and selflessness." dad says. "If I were you. sorry what was your name erudite?" He looks annoyed "Mark!" I smile. "well mark is I were you I would stop asking questions you aren't Erudite anymore. Plus I am still stronger than you even if I am in a chair!" His face grows even more angry and I laugh.
"ENOUGH QUESTIONS" Mum screeches about an hour later. I smile and Noah laughs.
"Okay today we will teach you how to aim a gun!" Noah states. "Okay watch four!" I wheel over to the table and grab a gun. I aim.
I push on the trigger and bang. I don't flinch at all as the gun backfires, They wont expect it then.