Chapter 24

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I go to another dauntless leader meeting and pick up the dress on the way back. It is grey with feather flowers on the top.

I walk into a gift shop on the way back to the car and buy some hair spay, more Bobby pins, three connected silver dauntless bangles and a pretty dauntless/abnegation necklace which has the faction symbols in the center of each flower.

I put them into a bag and head into the car. "What took you so long?" Mark moans. "I picked up a couple of extra necessities." I reply as I turn the key.

We get back to the compound and I walk slowly up to pippi's apartment. I made Alec go to the canteen so she can look at what I've got her. I unzip the dress bag and her mouth drops open "That is so beautiful I can't wear that Maddi!" I nod "Sure you can try it on."

She walk out of the bathroom with it on. "Omg you look stunning" I feels tears of joy fall from my face. I give her a hug.

"Now look at these not sure if you will like them" I pull out the brown paper bag with the jewelry in. She tries it on with the dress. "I love them, thank you so much Maddi!" She gives me a hug.

I hand her the hair pins and the spray.

"Chris is on her way, another shopping trip." I laugh Christina is so predictable.

We walk down and by her more makeup, perfume, underwear and obviously more clothes.

We get black basic bridesmaid dresses which look lovely on.

I walk back home after a long day of shopping and get changed. I walk to Noah's hospital room half asleep.

"Hello" He says as I walk through.

"Hello, I am so tired, Never go shopping with Chris she makes you try on everything." I yawn. I can hear Noah laughing. I sit down in the chair next to his bed and fall asleep almost instantly.

I wake up with a start as I hear the door open. It is only the doctor.

"He can go home as long as you give him this medicine twice a day." I nod.

I force Noah to get up and on our way.

I unlock the apartment door. "Right try on this suit, wedding is tomorrow." He nods and undresses meanwhile I collapse onto the bed. I am mesmerized by Noah. He sees I am watching him and stars to blush. I laugh at his redness.

I hear a scream, my eyes ping open that was Bobbi. "Bobbi?" I call out. "Bobbi!" I screech. A hand clamps over my mouth and a blindfold is placed over my eyes. I bite my attackers finger. "NOAH! NOAH, WHERE ARE YOU?" I hear him crying in the distance.

I feel rough lips touch mine. I punch out and my arms and legs are suddenly pinned down.

I hear a low laughs of what I gather two men. The boldfold is ton off. I quickly look around, I am in a light room. Noah is tied in the opposite coner. "Noah, where is Bobbi, Please tell me she is safe!?" I screech.

Marcus comes right up to my face and hits my cheek hard with a slap. I bite down on my tough to stop me from screaming, he is so strong.

Noah's dad walks over to Noah and kicks him until he falls unconsious. Both of them laugh.

"What should we do to you now sunshine" Their stairs pierce my face. I look up into Marcus' eyes.

Marcus sits down so close to me he is practically on me. They have placed a gag on me so I can't scream. He puts his hand high up on my leg. I shake at the chains as I try so despiratly to move.

Noah's dad walks up to me and strokes my cheek. "She's pretty, I say we keep this one." I try to scream but only choke as a result of this.

Marcus' hand slowly moves up my leg. "Let's have fun with the slut!" Marcus says loudly.

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