Chapter 13

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My suspicions are confirmed she is divergent.

I meet up with dad, Noah, Uriah and Zeke. "Sam is divergent how many others have we uncovered?" Dad shakes his head " your cousin, Natalie" Uriah looks at me "none from us" I nod my head. "Well now we know who is we know who to watch out for" I smile.

Noah takes my hand and leads me home. I unlock the door and walk into the lounge. "WEDDING PLANS!!!" I laugh "you scared the shit out of me Chris" she laughs and pulls out an album. "Any thought on colour scheme?" I smile "Yes, Really pale pink for the bridesmaids and a white dress for me. I also want White, pink, blue and green flowers with very few yellow flowers dotted in them" she smiles. "Okay I will Put this album together tonight and show you when me, you and Tris go dress shopping tomorrow" Noah smiles when he follows me through and takes my waist "next time can you just knock please Chris?" She laughs and gives Noah a wink then leaves.

Noah pulls me into a quick kiss. "by the way we are cooking for you parents tomorrow" I smile "when was this planned?" he laughs and kisses me again.

I wake up In the morning to smell bacon. I hop into the shower and put on a tight black dress with lace sleeves and my dauntless bangle from my father. I go into the kitchen and Noah hands me a plate "That smells good" he laughs and we sit and eat.

I look at my watch. "Noah hurry up we really have to go now" we head down the the job ceremony. Everyone is already there. Noah crashes open the doors and dad looks at me questionably. I mouth 'sorry, dress shopping later' he nods and smiles. He gets up onto the stage "Natalie Prior since you are first you get your choice on what job you would like." She sends me an evil glare and Noah looks at her quizzically "Dauntless leader and shop worker" She gives me a death glare. Dad looks at me. I shrug. What does she have against me. I walk over to her "meet me in the pit tomorrow at 9 sharp unless you don't want to become a dauntless representative" She nods her head not breaking eye contact. Then she looks over and smiles at Noah who is talking to dad, I signal for him to come here and he takes my waist and kisses me "I love you Mads and I always will whatever happens babe" I smile and kiss him back "aww Hun I love you too. We better be off though because I have to go dress shopping and you have to go tux shopping" He laughs "Good luck with Chris" I laugh and kiss him goodbye. Natalie give me yet another death glare.

Chris and Mum run in "aww my baby is getting married" she takes my hand "Dress shopping hear we come!!!!!!!!!!!!" Christina says whilst pounding her fist into the air. The dauntless around us cheer and pound their fists up too.

I enter the dress store. I pick out a white dress with a bodice but with a thin netted white tank top-like sleeves draped over it. It was covered in small flowers and has a medium sized bow strapped around the waist. I go and try in on. once It is on I look in the mirror it is beautiful. I walk out and show Mum and Chris both of them cry. "omg, my fashion work with you mads is done. That is so pretty, I love it on you" Mum smiles "You look stunning baby" she kisses me on the forehead. we walk to the makeup store I buy a white and a black eye shadow. A new mascara a red lipstick

( - the look based on)

After a few more hours we head home I leave Mum with the dress but tell her to hide it from dad.

We head back to mine and I see dad and Noah have made dinner, I also see they are both covered in flour and I laugh. I place my buys in the top of my wardrobe and head to the dining room.


I will update this soon because I know where I might lead this story. Comment thought and things you think I need to improve on and feel free to say where you think I should lead this story. Thanks x.

Divergent fanfic - four& tris' daughter- MadeleineWhere stories live. Discover now