Chapter 14

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I go and grab Andrew from his cot and play with him. He has blue eyes like my mother but everyone bit of his characteristics look like dads he looks like a clone.

Five months later **********************************************************

Today is the big day. Christina walks in screaming of joy. She grabs my makeup box and does my hair and makeup. I look in the mirror and love what she has done. My hair is braided and has been put into a bun. Once she has completed this dad walks in. I am still in a dressing gown getting ready. He laughs as I go and grab a muffin from the kitchen. I see a medium sized black box "This is for you sweetie, I wanted to get you something unique so I had this made for you" He hands me the box "Hurry up and open it before I die of old age mads" I laugh and open the box. Inside the box lays a Thin gold circlet decorated In small golden flames. "Omg!" I feel my eyes get big. I reach up and give dad a hug and a kiss. "I love it. You know me too well dad!" He laughs "Ooh what is it, I saw the box" Christina walks in. "That is gorgeous Mad. Lemme put it in your hair for you." I smile "thanks" Dad gives me another hug and says goodbye. "I guess I will see you there Mads" Mum runs in with the dress bag as soon as dad leaves. "right lets get this on." I put on the dress and Mum does the buttons up. "thank you" I smile.

I look in the mirror and I love it. Mum starts to cry "Baby you look stunning, I can't believe you are growing up so fast" Chris laughs and gives Mum a hug "It seems like yesterday when I had to run you down to the hospital Tris" Mum laughs.

I hear a knock at the door. It is dad "Hun you look amazing" he takes my arm "let's go" Mum and Chris leave they are already made up. Dad leads me through the corridors all the dauntless we pass punch their fists into the air and cheer. I see Natalie Looking at me giving me an evil glare. What has she done? "Dad I am getting the feeling like that evil bugger has done something" He laughs "If she has she will pay for it Mads" We stand outside the grand doors and await the music.

The music begins to blare "Come on mads" I smile and the doors slowly open I can see Noah at the end of the isle I smile even more and he begins to cry Uriah whisper something in his ear and he laughs. Dad gives me a hug and sits next to Mum.

"you may kiss the bride" We smile and he presses his lips to mine.

He takes my hand and we wait for everyone to lead us to the wedding Food hall.

Noah picks me up and leads me into the cream and golden room.

Noah starts his speech and It is so cute I start to cry. Mum leads me into a hug. I hear a massive BANG. Shit. What the fuck was that. I look around and see Noah lying on the ground a bullet wound to the chest. "NOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream. I break apart from mum and run over to his side. Dad runs over and I look up and see Natalie Running away from the balcony. Uriah Gets his vest and hands it to me. I hold it tightly to Noah's chest "I love you Mads" he whispers. "I love you more" He laughs quietly. He is loosing a lot of blood. I begin to cry. I check his pules and it is dramatically lowering. I start CPR but It isn't working. Two people dressed Fully in black run in and grab Noah. I see the green cross over there shoulders and run after them. Christina comes out from the toilet and grabs my shoulders "Is everything okay hun? Crap what have I missed?" I begin to cry even more and she gives me a hug. Dad runs swiftly after me. I grab Chris' hand and Pull her with me. "WHAT IS IT?" I don't answer because I know she will follow anyway.

I run Into Noah's Hospital room Dad convinced me to move But I just got a phone call I haven't changed since this mornings wedding. I see Noah's machine Bleeping. It slows down into nothing. I begin to cry even more. "I am sorry Miss, I will give you a minute." I take Noahs hand It is becoming colder. I cry my eyes out "Please Noah, Wake up. I can't do this babe, not without you. Please just wake up" I cry to him. I scream, I can't do this. I walk out of the room my eyes are puffy. Dad stands there wide eyed. I shake my head and cry again. "I am sorry baby" He hugs me and I go stiff. I run out of the hospital and let dad talk to the doctors. I WILL KILL HER! I run to the training room and grab knives. I throw each and every one they all hit there targets in the center. I sit down in the middle of the pit and cry. I run to the equiptment store put in the combination. Thats when it clicks someone told her the password. Eric or Flynn I bet! I take a gun and 5 knives. I run to the flat Natalie shares With Sam. "SAM WHERE THE HELL IS YOUR FRIEND NATALIE" She looks shocked "why are you angry wearing a wedding dress?" I feel a tear run down my cheek and rub my face "you're right I suppose if I am going to kill her I may want to change." she laughs "no being serious though what are you doing?" I shake my head "Just tell that bastard she will pay and she is going to die tell her I will avenge him!" Sam looks confused. "WHAT" she chockes "SHE KILLED HIM" I cry. She looks confused "who" she whispers "NOAH!" I scream. "he was making his speech and mum pulled me into a hug and I couldn't see him I heard and bang and there was blood" she looks shocked. I run out of the room. I put a tight short black dress on. I grab my wepons and run. "MADDI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Max Screams at me. "WHERE THE HELL IS NATALIE MAX?!?" I am so angry right now. "Why?" he sighs. I begin to cry and get choked up. I never cry. Max staires in amazement. "why" I shake my head "WHERE IS SHE? TELL ME NOW!" he shakes his head "no!" I scream "you have gone mad Maddi" I shake my head. No. He will not mock me. She crosses the shopping center. I run at her. "YOU BITCH PREPARE TO DIE NATALIE. YOU WILL DIE FOR WHAT YOU DID. I SAW YOU RUN. YOU KILLED HIM NOW YOU WILL DIE" I cry. Dad runs in and holds Natalie back. Max grabs my arms and my fingers curl around a knife Handle. He sees and kicks my wrist. "Maddi what did she do?" Max asks carmly. I see a croud has formed. "I thought it was your wedding today as well. I am confused" I cry and scream and kick at his arms but he is too strong. "Maddi what did she do?" he repeats again "NOAH!" I scream. "HE DIED WHEN MAKING HIS SPEECH SHE SHOT HIM AND I WILL K-KILL HER FOR I-I-I-IT" Max takes my weapons "Fine you just wait Natalie because I will find proof and you will DIE" I yell.

I feel a needle jab into the back of my neck and kick behind me. I fall hard on the ground and my muscles don't work. Max lifts me up carefully. I don't think you will want to kill her in a minute. I see him take out Noah's body from the freezer "you should've just come to me in the first place Maddi you should know I always have some" I see him jap a needle into Noahs neck. "of course I forgot." he nods he head "resurgence serum is very rare. You would be luckly to find any from anyone else. I have a suppier." he taps his nose I laugh. I can move my body now the effects has woren off. I grab Noah's hands and sit and wait for two hours.

It seems like forever. I look at my watch an hour has passed. I hear coughing and heavy breathing. "Maddi" says a confused voice "what happened" I pull him to a bone crushing hug and kiss him passionatly on the lips. "Thank god. I thought I had lost you. One sec babe" I smile and pull out my phone. "hello?" I hear the answer "Hi Max he is awake you need to come and do the checks" I hang up the phone and hear running the door burst open and Dad and Max stand there.

"I am so confused, what happend?" My dad explains to Noah and he lays there in shock. "Okay well thank God max has resurgence because I couldn't and wouldn't want to leave my poor little Mads here alone would I?" I smile and give him a kiss. "He seems to be fine take him to the hospital for safety." I nod and Noah slowly gets up. He pulls me into a massive hug. "Don't ever do that again Noah! I was scarred to death and people thought I had gone mad" He laughs and kisses me on the forehead "I will never do that again baby don't worry. Don't you ever go and do that to me either Mads" I laugh "don't worry I am not planning to.

I wake up on a chair next to Noahs hospital bed. I am still in my wedding dress. Thank God that was a dream. His heart never stopped it just slowed down. I give him a kiss on the forehead. His heart is beating at the right pase so I leave you get ready for the day ahead. I put on a tight black dress. I put on my dauntless bangle.

I walk into Noah's room and go and hold his hand again. he squeezes back. I call the doctor because I know he will be in pain when he wakes.

Noah wakes up and I hear him cry out in pain. I run over to him and takes his hand again. "it is okay baby everything will be okay" He presses the button on a machine that gives him medicine. "I love you Noah" I whisper "I love you more Mads" I kisses his head and start playing with his hair. I see Dad arrive outside the room. "I will be right back Noah, Dad's here" I see a smile appear on his face "Okay"he whispers. He still manages to keep his eyes closed how is he doing it. I laugh sliently and walk over to dad. "How is he" I nod "He is getting better" I give dad a hug and lead him inot the room. "Dad what happend to your hands, you knuckles are really bruised" Mum walks is with a bandage and wraps it around dads hands "Natalie" I chuckle "Great saves me the task" Dad smiles and kisses my head "No one messes with my family and gets away with it" Dads phone beeps.He looks at it "I will be right back babe" he walks out of the ward and is now in the corridoor. I saw It was max. what did he want?


will probs update later today or thursday :)

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