The fights-
"As you know you will be fighting each other for the ranks on this years leader board" dad explains meanwhile mum draws up the chart of who will be fighting who. Brilliant I see that I will be fighting Flynn. He is strong and has broad shoulders while I am small and fast however I think I proved I was stronger than him last year when we both kinda started world war III in the compound.We are the last pair to go. I step up to the mat and know he will make the first move as I have been watching my fellow dauntless borns in the training before initation. He aims a punch but I see it comming and leap out of the way. I use the strongest bone in my body. My elbow to punch him hard In the ribs I see him wince in pain. He face turns from a look of pain to a look of anger. I see my Dad is looking worried but am glad to see that my mum is smiling at me. He knows that I'm out to defect his punch by steping out of the way. He moves straight to my right, I saw this was comming so I stand still and kick him in the shins. He falls almost instantly. "The Winner of that fight is Maddi" my friends clap and my parents smile proudly over In my direction. "you better get some rest, we have lots to do tomorrow and the rankings will be annonced tomorrow."
Fear simulations-
I jump up out of bed and get my makeup bag I quickly do my eye liner. I grab my smokey eye kit and apply a dramatic amount, I know dad won't like it but who cares while he is so sweet I am my own person.
I run back to the dorms to see my dad placing the rankings up he smiles and gives me a cheeky wink then walks out. I'm the only one here , I guess the others are still at breakfast I will go after I have looked at this list. I walk quickly over to the board. I skim the list for my name. There must be a mistake. My name is first.
I run to breakfast with the biggest smile on my face. I grab some dauntless cake. Zoe walks in. "omg Maddi, how can you eat so much and keep that figure" I smile "fast metabolism."
I run to the training room just in time dad smiles and Eric looks annoyed probably hoping to embarrass dad. "just in time Maddi, today we will be doing something new called a fear simulation." Mum starts to walk off "follow me guys" she leads us to this small building with dauntless graffitied onto it. "today you will learn how to face your fears and concur them." Mum states whilst Eric leaves. They mutter to each other but it is too loud so I can't make out what they said. Mum opens a door and shouts "Zoe" I'm last so I have to wait hours. Finally dad walks out "Maddi" He follows me into the room and holds a needle "there are two ways to get out of this simulation: face your fears head on or you can try to calm your heart beat. I'm going to tell you what I told your mother" he says whilst injecting me "Be brave Maddi" I feel my self drift into a sort of sleep.
When I open my eyes I see I am no longer in the small room with dad, I'm in a dark room I can't see a thing. I feel metal slam against my back, I freeze. I get this fear from dad he has had this fear since he was young too.
I few what feels like hours later I see my surroundings change I am in a glass box and it is filling with water. I scream and pound on the glass. "Get me out, please someone help!" I see Noah laughing along with my parents. I feel my tears. My vision gets blurry. Then I remember. "This isn't real" I tap on the glass and my surroundings change again. We are in the Pit. "Kill them or you die" I hear the voice of Eric, I'm not scarred of him i'm scarred of what he might do to my family. "Maddi shoot we understand" I hear mum cry out to me. "no!" I grab the gun and shoot myself. I won't die.
The fool changes from beneath me, I am in yet another dark room their is a random person with a gun in their hand. What am I afraid of here. Oh. My capacity to kill. There is a gun on the table I grab it and aim it at the mans head. It won't hurt and will be instant that way. I breathe in, out, in, out. Fire, then breathe in.
The lights flash on and I am awake to find my dad crying "omg, dad, what's wrong?" he gives me a worried glance. "you're divergent, I will delete the footage, but make sure no one else finds our Okay this is serious. Divergence is extremely dangerous Maddi!" I don't know what to say. "okay" he gives me a kiss on the forehead so I pull him into a hug . He leads me out and I see mum outside the door, I run to her and give her a hug. They walk me back to the dorms and tell me to get some rest.