Chapter 19

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Maddi POV-

My eyes burst open and I get my bearings. "Dad" I poke his arm. His head whips around to face me "Yes?" I wince "Can you help me get up, My back is killing me" A tear falls down my face and drips onto the long cut across my eye. I angrily wipe it of. It stings the cut.

Dad gets up off of the chair next to the bed. He comes back a few minutes later with a syringe "Pain medicine. Turn around" I turn round and I lift my shirt up. I feel the needle jab my hip for a matter of seconds.  I sign in relief the pain vanishes almost immediately. "Thank you, that feels a lot better. I am going to go have a shower can you help me back to my room please" He nods and takes my waist to stop me from falling. I smile gratefully and tell him to stay outside of my apartment because every time he sets foot in here I will find my possessions all dotted round in different places and my house magically becomes tidier.

I grab a towel from the cabinet and take my clothes out of the wardrobe. I wash my hair I cry as the water hits my back after a few minutes I pull myself together and I remember I haven't checked on the twins since Marcus. I quickly finish and get changed Into high waisted jeans and a baggy top. I tuck the top into my jeans and put on a different leather jacket over in case my back starts to bleed again.

I Lock my apartment and dad is outside "Dad, can I meet you later I need to take care of something, Please don't follow me!" I walk round a couple of corners and stop as I hear footprints behind me I swirl round expecting it to be dad. A hand clamps around my mouth I bite my attacker finger and he scream out in pain. FLYNN! I pin him down and kick him with all my force. I punch him in the face and his eyes close. I laugh and walk to the hospital. I get to the ward and talk to the doctor and tell them I want to know the gender of my kids, I don't want anyone to know what happened other than dad. I never knew an abnegation as selfish as Marcus, and he is their leader.I follow the doctor and I get same woman who gave me a scan last time. "Omg what happened to your eye love?!?" I will not cry. "I got beaten up and I am praying they are okay!" She looks worried "This will be cold like last time." I nod. She spends longer than last time to check for the babies heartbeats "Is everything okay?" I am starting to panic. She shakes her head "one of the twins is in a position so I can't find it's heartbeat." I shake my head. This can't be happening! "come back later at ten ish?" I nod. "Do your family know yet you might want to bring someone in case" I shake my head "They don't know, my Husband was shot they have been to busy watching him and my brother because of threats." Her mouth drops wide open. "You married to Noah?!?" I nod "Omg!" she says excitedly "I am his cousin! Let's just pray for the best for your children! WHO IS THREATENING YOU?!?" She shouts "I-I-I-I can't say, he will kill them if I do!" I mummer. My phone bleeps and she hands me my bag. "Hello?" I ask. "Hello Maddi!" Shit. Marcus. "What the hell do you want you son of a bitch!" I scream. "Me?" I hear sarcasm in his voice "I just wanted to say your brother's heart rate is lowering" he Snickers. I hang up the phone. "I have to go!" she nods "cya-" I cut her off and begin to run. I sprint up the stairs and burst into my brothers room. I slam on the red button. A team of five doctors walk over to him. "clear?" I hear one say "maam I think it would be easier if you left!" I shake my head "I am NOT LEAVING UNTIL I KNOW HE IS SAFE" I scream. They have tried like five times. I start to cry "Andrew please" I take his hand. The man who told me to basically get out pulls me off him. "Try once more! Please!!" I beg him He nods. "Clear?" Another man nods "clear" A woman says. His heart rate is returning to normal again "Thank you so much" I say to the man. I take drew's hand and his eyes flutter open. He looks around the room. "w-where is Bell?" He looks confused "she has gone to get some food as have mum and dad. I give him a hug. After a few minutes Anabel walks in. "hey" He smiles and she leans in for a kiss Andrew smiles and hugs her back. I cough "I am going to see Noah I have some news to break" They both look at each other in confusion I smile.4

Divergent fanfic - four& tris' daughter- MadeleineWhere stories live. Discover now